But why? Hodling brings much, much more money? Literally whatever you buy in the top100 does between x10-x40? Why do you risk trading?
Privacy. Security. Freedom
But why? Hodling brings much, much more money? Literally whatever you buy in the top100 does between x10-x40? Why do you risk trading?
Privacy. Security. Freedom
I am trying to catch the next big thing and become a bilionaire. To make it, I need much more that just x40. Also, if I evenly spreaded the rest of my portfolio into TOP100, it would be something like 3$ into each asset which is not good concidering current fees. I think I will go all in with SHIB. If I get unlucky, I hope I still have enough money for enough ROPE.
Are you selling an apartment? I didn’t understand your post above.
It’s a joke. There are people who bow to the DOG meme tokens and are in a real FOMO, just a little tease for them from me…
Privacy. Security. Freedom
I don’t follow these trends and don’t get the jokes. Maybe a separate topic for them?
Uh, how many such jokes can I post in a forum of 94% holders so it deserves a whole separate topic
Privacy. Security. Freedom
get a real dog. The companionship is invaluable.
But can a real dog PUMP so high? As I wrote in the ad I give a German Shepherd for free with the apartment
You can even choose one of these two:
By the way, I still use this backpack - 5 years later - if someone is looking for a quality backpack
Privacy. Security. Freedom
Then you need to train the dog to jump high and come back down just like circus.
Another safe coin to confuse folks?
Wow, the word ‘Safe’ is getting crowded, so I was thinking what’s the next best word in our lexicon, perhaps ‘Vault’ - then a quick search resulted in 4 Vault related coins! Seems every word is owned in some way - feels like domains. Perhaps we use a word that is unpronounceable, and we refer to the network as the ‘the network formerly know as Safe’
I was think about that as well and use a symbol instead.
we have a symbol for pounds and dollars euros etc already on ASCII
why not adopt an already existing ascii symbol that is already available.
ie ASCII CODE 245 would give us this §
so in the future
£ = Pound
$ = Dollar
€ = Euro
§ = Safe
Can anyone do ASCII art? I find it impossible.
/\ \
/ /\ \
/ /__\ \
Is this better
/ /\
/ /\ \
/_/__\ \
/ /\
/ /\ \
/_/__\ \
without the colour
I think your art just made it to the next test net release.
If so, I would be super happy about it! Actually any kind of finger print or tiny smudge on the official side of things would.
Made one more, because I wanted to see if it can be rotated to true Maidsafe position…
Quite off-topic… sorry!
Brutal Carlinesque rebuttal by Saylor.