Other Coins - Price & Trading topic

Do you think the older civilisations were somehow rich and had no poor?

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Technological progress is a perpetual process of automation and abstraction. Difficult and complex tasks are made simple by software and machines until they are completely taken for granted. Technology moves on, taking down new blockers in the path to progress as it goes.

There will be a time when most people on the planet will not work because their work will be automated. Most of these people will not own property, but their needs will be met - food and entertainment. Our planet is finite, but the human imagination is infinite. :freedom:

Privacy. Security. Freedom

Note that this is public channel capacity. There are also private lightning channels of unknown capacity.

This is a tired narrative IMO. Blockchains are about social consensus. I think we’re well past the point of Vitalik calling all the shots.

Lightning apps are a bit of a joke to be honest. You are usually surrendering custody to the app/website and hoping that their server acts fairly and returns your deserved share of the funds. In Ethereum your funds are handled by the contract logic that executes trustlessly.
DLCs are interesting and I want to learn more about them, but my impression is that their functionality is still quite limited compared to Ethereum contacts. For example, compare making a bet via DLC vs a bet in Augur (since this is something that DLCs can do). In Augur your bet is tokenized and can be traded in an open market before the event outcome. When the event occurs, the resolution of the outcome includes dispute resolution up to the point of REP holders voting on what the real outcome is. None of that is possible in DLCs as far as I know. I think the best you could hope for in DLCs is subscribing to multiple oracles for the same event and taking the most common outcome (if that is even possible).


That’s right, but I think the ratio will continue to be in Ethereum’s favor as layer 2 for bitcoin, because there are many more versions besides wBTC, like remBTC for example:

Privacy. Security. Freedom

It is a bit tired I suppose. It could nap but it’s one that the bitcoin maximalists will never let sleep. I probably shouldn’t have uttered it myself but I legitimately think the DAO rollback was a slap in the face of immutability. Glad people got their money back but that is the thing about a Turing complete language, recursive loops can be a b*tch.

You make such excellent points here. I yield back!

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Anyone read much into Holochain.

Stumbled upon after trying to get a better understanding of DHT

Seems to have some similarities to Safe Network

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BTT for bittorrent seems to just be a way to monetize torrents. It has a $7.5bn market cap.

I think there is plenty of headroom for MAID!

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Insane amount of tokens, avalaible on binance, does seem to share the same ideals outside of blockchain

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Got a feeling we will see more projects following the DHT, P2P model once safe gets some momentum. I think there will be a paradigm shift away from blockchain towards this model.


I would assume the same and hopefully MAID is out in front as a top player to establish the space. There are certainly no winners in the space yet so it’s there to to be taken.

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Seems they went for complete rewrite using Rust in 2019. Sounds familiar.

There are a few Safe clones out there in the wild supported by different vc groups. Some even have ‘farmers’.

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Isn’t the question are any of them technically as ambitious or simply even that good?

I prefer to engage with original thinkers and don’t pay the copy cats any attention. Even if they are not copy cats, they failed at doing a simple lit or prior art review. The one project out there than had similar goals to safe (but died out) which had good merit was “ocean store”. It lived in academia pre crypto era.



Sia have the right intentions, but the wrong execution. If Safe fails, Sia is the closest we have to a decentralized Internet…

Privacy. Security. Freedom

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Hadn’t heard of that, thanks for the link will check it out. Any thoughts on Gnunet? Until now it’s the project I’d ran into which had seemed most similar to me. There’s a big difference in the original design choices but the problem they’re attempting to solve is I think the same.

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Privacy. Security. Freedom

BTT now flipped with FIL and is holding up the top 10. That’s mad.

By introducing an incentive of earning BTT tokens, uploaders have a reason to seed files longer, and to dedicate more of their bandwidth and storage to other torrent clients in the network. BTT , which serves as a crypto torrent token in BitTorrent Speed, is responsible for powering a healthier BitTorrent protocol.

A 13bn market cap to oil the transmission of torrents. Have I missed something? Couldn’t this be a payment in any other existing token?

I see that there is a blockchain based file system, but guessing that isn’t going to change the world if just using a blockchain.

I guess it means there is plenty of headroom for genuinely groundbreaking like Safe Network!


I’m seeing 13 bn volume and 8 bn market cap, but still, big numbers.

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This isn’t the kind of investment I’m talking about. In economics, saving and investing is part of the process of building a business. So saving up to “invest” in better capital equipment. Sure there is risk that a business will fail and the equipment can be a loss to some extent - but specifically I wasn’t conflating the two terms - as in savings in a bank and an investment in stocks/bonds - I was specifically referring to the process of capitalism and how it functions to create new wealth through business development.

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