Another day another testnet
We’ve got a 20 node testnet up. Each node has 50GB of space. But joins will be tempered by filling up that space
Once again we’re aiming to ensure that we’re not losing data until nodes are full - apart from the known case of registers hitting a limit. But we’re not going to allow unbridled churn as we did last testnet.
Like last time, we’re asking you to avoid larger uploads. We’re not enforcing it this time but please keep them under 10MB, so we can rule out large files being the cause of ansafe networks switch public
y errors.
After the last testnet, we’re back and limiting churn again. The limit is set to allow joins, but only after the first 20 nodes fill up. Which should let us test normal join conditions, but without having to go through a split.
Getting involved
We really want to make it as easy as possible for everyone to get involved, but understandably it’s a daunting prospect for some. Below are some detailed instructions for Linux, macOS and Windows. Follow these and it should work, or at least fail in an understandable way (probably router related). Whatever happens it won’t blow up your machine!
Two modes - upload/download and storing
You can help us with this testnet in two ways: (1) by uploading and downloading data; and (2) by offering your device as a storage node. If you’ve not done this before we’d recommend you start with (1) and move on to (2) if you feel inspired. We’ve provided instructions for both.
To upload and download (PUT and GET) data to the test network, you just need to install the safe
binary on your operating system. See the instructions below.
Linux and macOS
If you have run safe before you need to delete the old version.
# Delete the existing `~/.safe` directory.
rm -r ~/.safe
# Check that safe has been uninstalled
safe --version # --> should give a 'not found' message
If not it may be installed in /usr/local/bin
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/safe
To keep things simple, we’re now going to recommend running the installer as the root user. It puts the binary at /usr/local/bin
, which is always on PATH
on any Linux/macOS distribution. For future updates the installer will just overwrite it, so you won’t need to clear anything as an additional step.
On Linux:
curl -so- | sudo bash
safe --version # should be 0.68.2
safe networks add public
safe networks switch public
On macOS:
# switch to sudo shell
sudo su
# run install script
curl -so- | bash
# return to your own user profile
safe --version # should be 0.68.2
safe networks add public
safe networks switch public
All subsequent instructions are the same for both operating systems.
Uploading a file
# Upload a file in your current directory
safe files put [filename]
e.g. safe files put examplePic.jpg
Uploading a container (a directory plus contents)
Choose a directory (e.g. /home/[yourUserName]/Pictures
) or make a new one and add some files. Then cd to the parent directory (e.g. /home/[yourUserName]/
) and run:
safe files put ./[directory] --recursive
e.g. safe files put ./Pictures --recursive
Downloading a file
Use safe cat safe://[address] > filename.txt
to download a file:
Try running this!
safe cat safe://hygoygym7tsj5hhyyykd1aqpw3djxea6om6xku568ahm7hy7gfn6q5gy7xr > coast.jpg
Downloading container (directory plus contents)
safe files get safe://[address?v=version]
# For example this will download the container to your current directory. This is just an example, it's not live data)
safe files get safe://hyryyryikpk16oxay7wa1midtbkibxoec6eg4fsgd853gx5xuhs19ujmgzwnra?v=hc7xjae7f8o96xk9446gzyy13j9z7es47rpqdcu81iap61jdcu6no
Running a storage node
To run a storage node (an adult) you need at least 50GB free disk space plus a router that allows you to connect.
safe node install
safe node bin-version # should be 0.72.6
Now download the testnet config file and switch to that network by running:
safe networks add public && safe networks switch public
Now try to connect to the network with:
RUST_LOG=sn_node safe node join --network-name public
If that gives an error try:
RUST_LOG=sn_node safe node join --network-name public --skip-auto-port-forwarding
If that doesn’t work it may be you can’t join from that machine / router.
If successful, the folder ~/.safe/node/local_node
will start to fill up with new folders and chunks.
Press the Windows key or click on the Start button and type “Powershell”. Then right click on the Windows Powershell
entry on the menu and select Run as administrator
Paste the following text into the terminal by right clicking on the bar at the top of the window, then select edit → paste:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
Now hit enter to run the install. If you have a previously installed binary, you’ll be asked if you want to overwrite it. Say yes. Now exit the session.
Start a new session without administrator privileges and now run safe --version
. It should be at 0.68.2.
Then add the public
network and switch to it.
safe networks add public
safe networks switch public
Downloading files
safe cat safe://address > filename
safe cat safe://hygoygym7tsj5hhyyykd1aqpw3djxea6om6xku568ahm7hy7gfn6q5gy7xr > coast.jpg
Try it!
Downloading container (directory plus contents)
# For example this will download the container to your current directory. This is just an example, it's not live data)
safe files get safe://hyryyryikpk16oxay7wa1midtbkibxoec6eg4fsgd853gx5xuhs19ujmgzwnra?v=hc7xjae7f8o96xk9446gzyy13j9z7es47rpqdcu81iap61jdcu6no
Uploading file
# Upload a file in your current directory
safe files put [filename]
safe files put examplePic.jpg
Uploading a container (directory plus contents)
Choose a directory (e.g. /home/[yourUserName]/Picture
s) or make a new one and add some files.
Then cd to the parent directory (e.g. C:\Users\[your username]\
) and run:
safe files put .\[directory] --recursive
safe files put .\Pictures --recursive
Running a storage node
To run a storage node (an adult) you need at least 50GB free disk space plus a router that allows you to connect.
From your Powershell session, run safe node install
to get the latest version of the node. Then use safe node-bin version
to check you are on 0.72.6.
Download the testnet config file and switch to that network by running:
safe networks add public
safe networks switch public
Now try to connect to the network with:
$env:RUST_LOG = 'sn_node'; safe node join --network-name public
If there is an error, try:
$env:RUST_LOG = 'sn_node'; safe node join --network-name public --skip-auto-port-forwarding
If that doesn’t work it may be you can’t join from that machine / router.
If successful the folder C:\Users\[your username]\.safe\node\local_node
will start to fill up with new folders and chunks.
Test data
This is what we’re using to verify data-storage just now.