well… yes you can/ cannot now see it depending on your browser configuration ,) with a bookmark bar, it is still hidden… fyi !
should be all good now
… perfect
@dallyshalla Daniel, I’m really pleased to see you reach lift off, and to see so much thought and professionalism from the off, as well as code! Well done man. And brilliant timing I hope. I will definitely take part - and I haven’t read the WP yet - how could I not!
All the best!
I’m confused…Currently we have MaidSafeCoin that will be exchanged for safe coin when the network is live.
It looks like this is not the actual Safe Coin, but another interim coin that is being used to fund the development of SafeX?
a few questions…
- Will this new coin be exchangeable for the actual Safe Coin at network launch at a 1:1 ratio?
- Is SafeX the official exchange of the network or one of many possible exchanges that may be used?
- Is the development of SafeX now a separate entity/project from the actual network??
This coin has nothing to do with Maidsafecoin or Safecoin. Daniel created this coin on the blockchain to use it on his platform once it’s live.
See above
Not the official (Maidsafe isn’t involved in this project), hopefully one of many possible exchanges.
@dallyshalla is the only one working on the project right now.
@dallyshalla & @Seneca It would also be great/advisable if you guys contact cryptonews outlets like: Coindesk, cointelegraph, Bitcoinmagazine etc and tell them about your amazing decentralized projects. I was too lazy to read if someone else gave you guys this tip, but I just thought about it.
I’m not sure how, but is seems like @dallyshalla and @Konstantin_Lomashuk could have a very symbiotic interaction. I think SafeX could solve a lot of the hangups I’ve had with investing in https://Cyber.Fund crowd fund. (I love)
Good call @19eddyjohn75 on getting the word the right people.
Nice work @dallyshalla!
Quick question, does the sharing of revenue generated by the SAFEx app directly correlate to ownership of Safe Exchange Coin? For example, if someone owned 1% of all coins, would they be automatically rewarded with 1% of all safe coin generated by the app?
Regarding your question: The revenue share is To be Determined and by vote of course. The app will generate some kind of revenue; whether app developer coin or some fee (if necessary to generate at least some dust) So what I hope that the DBOT considers in the dividend is that continuous expansion will be required of course, and we can fund it by contribution - - - Better yet we can fund expenses with Application revenue - - - and to a favorable extent redirect application revenue proportionally to the Safe Exchange Coin owners: if you own 1% you’ll get 1% of the dividend pool, however it gets there, and whatever it may amount to.
This is very much analogous with current exchange models where the exchanges give kickbacks to the participants end of month usually end of year; for very active traders end of the day (kickbacks for participation).
I’m glad you appreciate the progress @Luke
When we’re further down the road with a usable implementation, will definitely enjoy collaborating.
So essentially Safe Exchange Coin holders will be rewarded directly in proportion to their % ownership of all coins, but only after costs for development of the app has been covered adequately?
I’d hope that the exchange community will consider costs of expansions before the dividend is issued and also I think that at least regularly there will some kind of distribution on a regular basis;
It is confusing, and that’s bad.
The purpose of trademark protection is to keep confusing things like this from occurring. If you do not protect your trademark, you lose your trademark.
In my opinion, Daniel needs to pick another name for his coin. If he doesn’t do this, then I think that Maidsafe should protect their trademark of safecoin (if they have one), or risk losing that trademark because they did not protect it in this instance.
By diluting the Safe Coin brand, Daniel is hurting Safe Network, and therefore, hurting the very thing he’s trying to help.
I see you have been a member of the forum for over a year, but your post tells me you may enjoy a little further research into this community.
As a members of this community I respect your thought process and see where you’re going with it, but an open-sourced, distributed network doesn’t do things in the same way as the traditional capitalist IP fashion. Something as world changing as the SAFE network and the MaidSafe who built it is, I hope it doesn’t need to start with trademarking in the way you describe.
At the end of the day, trademark is more about preventing confusion in the marketplace, than it is about some greedy capitalist earning money in a non politically correct manner. Even open source projects have a right to retain the brand equity built up by their hard work.
I saw in January that @nicklambert was trying to trademark safecoin. I do not know if he succeeded. In the post that Nick mentioned trademarking Safecoin, he said it was for protection only and would not be enforced. So, if that’s Maidsafe’s stance, than only Daniel himself can prevent dilution of the Safecoin brand.
In the large scheme of things, I do not know how important this is, but it seemed worth throwing on the table for discussion.
I don’t think that there is infringement on a Safe Coin trademark. Exchange Coin is a distinctive name. Safe Exchange Coin even also is distinctive and has clear and obvious terms.
Tell it to the user named: safecoin.
What do you envisage the site will primarily be used for? Can you give us a lay persons example of the types of day to day problems the site solves?
How do you plan on marketing it?
By the way, all the best in your endeavours.
10am PST / 18HRS GMT LIFE IS PEOPLE #94 @dallyshalla we will be discussing Safe Exchange https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/c2fdjumacqm7e5tna0uc7f29n8s
I think there is scope for confusion. Partly just because the names are similar, but very much so in the white paper because it talks about both without pointing out there are two coins.
I had to read that very carefully to be sure I wasn’t mixing the two coins up, and I think it’s likely that someone who doesn’t already know about Safecoin will think that the white paper is talking about only one coin.
@happybeing I did a “pull request” incorporating some typos and many thanks to @fergish kindly, for illuminating this;
As well as addressing directly with updating and more clearly demonstrating the two different currencies in the paper.