Officially, Safe Exchange - Crowdsale

it will be 25% more safe exchange coins(SEC) than someone who paid the same amount as you in bitcoin or maidsafe coins, if you pay now , and they pay in the last 2 weeks .

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It seems that you may have made a mistake. @dallyshalla says the crowdsale is lasting the full period and the (effective) worth of payments determines the price of safex coin. Then the coin is split up between the depositors according to the effective amount they sent.

The Total effective payments is calculated by adding all the effect payments over the 5 weeks
The Effective payment is calculated by ( payment * bonus% )

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The 25% bonus means that you get a greater number when comparing to others at the conclusion of the crowdsale. If you put 1 bitcoin between November 21and December 4 you will have 1.25 of value against anyone who puts in 1 bitcoin at the last day since the last day there is no bonus.

What the return from revenue of the application is uncertain so I would not consider Safe Exchange Coin as something that is an investable security that will make you HUGE dividends. It does give you access to share in the revenue from the Safe Exchange; tbd; and it does let you publicly up-vote (similar to forum likes) and comment (also similar to a forum) on things that people sell and the way that they sell them:

If one offered to sell tomatoes and you bought them and found it to be a good experience and felt compelled to give that person and their contract an up-vote and give a good comment - then you would have your Safe Exchange Coins to do that.

In the future, It is planned that there is a voting mechanism where the Safe Exchange Community can vote on proposals that serve to enhance the system;

The address listed on the site is the official address; and cross referenced here: Officially, Safe Exchange - Crowdsale - Safex Discussion Forum | The Ecommerce Platform on the Blockchain

Regarding the security of the keys: they are generated on an offline RPI2 → the private keys have never hit the internet and will remain on an RPI2 and it’s backup; both are encrypted textfiles; as well as written down.

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On what platform will people receive the coins when the crowdsale is over?

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There is the Omni protocol asset: SafeExchangeCoin(#56)

It will be manually distributed since Omni protocol does not yet support this auction style crowd-sale;


Of course I’m in on this Daniel

This will be like one of the first SAFE Network apps


Hmmmm not to sound like an advisor @dallyshalla, but maybe you can contact the guys from to put this on cyber●Fund

Maybe an interview to get the attention of people on the LTB Network. As far as I understand SAFEx, It will be like, but on the SAFE Network.

Goodluck & thanks for the opportunity


I am very happy by this project but there are few points I don’t get yet.
What’s the utility of the safexCoin?
if the safex is an application wich lives on the safenetwork, then the developers will earn safecoins by the use of it’s application,
Will the safexCoin holders get part of this share?
Can I imagine the safexCoin like if I am a shareholder of safexApp and will get % of it’s revenue?

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A lot of those questions are answered on the "Life is people with Dally Shalla " thread and some links.


Everything is explained in the whitepaper:

  1. Safe Exchange Coin
    This coin is introduced as a Omni layer asset for the purpose of raising
    money to fund development and expansion of the Safe Exchange platform. Duly this
    coin serves as a representation of Trust that a person has bestowed with the
    community. These coins are transferable freely by their owners. The purpose of
    these coins in the Safe Exchange platform involves the ability to comment and vote
    on contracts that have been shared with this particular ‘voting-enabled’ alias.
    People enable voting by depositing their acquired Safe Exchange Coins to their
    account’s Alias Safe Exchange Coin wallet and that simply enables voting and
    comment privileges. A total of 2,147,483,647 Safe Exchange Coins will exist and
    will be sold during a crowd-sale and these coins can be acquired from people who
    purchased them during the crowd-sale after it has concluded.
    Up-votes and comments exist for only until the Safe Exchange Coins remain in
    the account’s Alias balance. If an Alias was to reduce its Safe Exchange Coin
    holding then it would reduce it’s influence of up-votes. If the coins were to leave
    the account completely, then the comment and up-votes will disappear completely.
    This serves to allow people to be dedicated and committed to their comments and up-
    votes and also coins will not be tied because for example, whence Dally has sold
    all 1000 of his Teacups and the contract is expired, then any up-votes will no
    longer be necessary on that contract.

Chapter 7:

It is therefore, that owners of Safe Exchange Coin will receive a dividend in the form of
Safecoins residually relative to the amount of Safe Exchange Coins owned at the
time of a distribution. Since the Safe Network rewards application developers
autonomously this means that this application included will be rewarded by the Safe
Network and some of that reward is intended by the Safe Exchange development to
support its community of participants with a consistent stream of Safecoins. These
Safecoins are just like any other Safecoins and can be spent on any data storage
event with the Safe Network as well as transacted for goods on the Safe Exchange or
any other application that would accept Safecoins.

  1. Safe Exchange Coin lets its owner up-vote and comment on a publicly contract publicly listed through the Safe Exchange.
  2. The application needs to be developed before it can earn Safecoins - that’s hard to do with financial constraint (need to do other things and try and keep the thread worse than tough).
  3. Safe Exchange Coin owners will receive a part of to be determined of the revenue that the application might generate in the future of course these funds are intended for developers though a kickback is not out of order I think.
  4. Owning Safe Exchange Coin will allow you to voice your demands, and the voice of the Coin holder will be accounted and eventually directly vote on future development.

Yep thanks @Melvin can read the whitepaper as well though do appreciate anyone going right to the front of the line and asking about it directly.

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Is there a recommended average % of one’s holdings that would be beneficial to contribute at this time?

Or perhaps, a recommended minimum? Like would 10,000 MAID currently be a good minimum for every person? Or just 1,000 MAID? (Or 5,000.)

A recommended maximum? (I have 259,000 total.)

I suppose that still depends on how many people even donate. Interesting. Seems like a lot more people might decide to wait til the end from understanding things better, or even just coincidentally congregate by the dozens (or hundreds, idk) towards the end, thereby rendering the 25% bonus not all too important in the grand timeline. If that’s true it maybe gives the earliest contributors a false sense of bonus, but on the flip side it encourages hesitant/newcomer people (if they read my analysis so far, if it’s even grounded in anything) to not feel as if they’ve missed out. This is assuming that more and more people get in at the end, anyhow. Also the 25% bonus can still be good if you contribute a metric ton of funds to the first weeks.


Apart from the trade aspect, this all seems to me fundamentally the ideas we’ve discussed on the forum ie a community with voting rights to determine its own future direction and decide where the community pot of funds are directed. The foundation functions are de-centralised back to the Community - A different kind of Safe, within a Safe, it satisfies a lot of my wants from previous threads.
It’s basically like the Safe Network with built in voting attached to coins with consensus for decisions de-centralised from the foundation, back to the community isn’t it?.
The only thing I’m still abit unsure about what the autonomous process by which applications such as this are rewarded? I’m confused because of the PtP thread. How is revenue generated - is this from puts/contracts? :smile:
The deeper you go the more mind-blowing all the possibilities are…to me, this is sort of a fork, but on the Safe Network itself. Does this demonstrate that forks are unlikely as they can happen at app level on Safe?..does the rabbit hole go deeper still? Should I stop smoking this stuff? :smiley:


I’ll invest on the Safex some coins, and I have to congrat you for this iniciative,
but as a programmer myself, I would like to suggest to follow the KISS principle.
The 3D world is cool, but it’s too complicated and will drain a lot of efforts and divert from the main purpose.
A simple page, with some buttons, and a book offer, like a home broker would do the job.
It’s just my opinnion, no need to answer this. Keep up the good job


I am deeply appreciative of your support; indeed the 3D game gets over the top - though it is not on the todo list for this endeavor’s scope maybe 3.0 or 5.0 ; KISS, like a home broker: GitHub - dallyshalla/safe_exchange ← there’s a base it’s going to grow to the amorphous contract platform anyone can use even Grandma.

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In the spirit of decentralization; I’ve determined that the distribution of coin will be changed; the founding team will share in just 1% of Safe Exchange Coin and the entire of 99% is to be distributed during this sale period to the betterment of the distribution and insurance against outright centralization. This is not going to change.


I’m in. I see this as another vote of confidence by Daniel on the progress of the Maid sprints. I will now first read the white paper and SafeX info.

@dallyshalla does not indicate to the user to scroll down the page to see payment details. On my windows laptop I actually have to cursor or page down to get there. This key part of the crowdsale page could be missed by some users… fyi just a thought… maybe that ‘buy button’ (or address’ needs to be centre stage, up in lights ,)


it’s a little ‘hidden’ on the bottom pages … you need to scroll down…
@dallyshalla as mentioned earlier…

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@dallyshalla Congratulations with start of Crowdfunding campaign!

We just add your project Safe Exchange to our crowdfunding Radar.

If you want to improve information about Safex just go to Github and make a commit)

We’ll be glad to help you to make your crowdfunding campaign more successful :grinning:

p.s. @19eddyjohn75 really thank you for sharing our link, you helps us to make our service better!)


@sprks hopefully you can see “Scroll down :)” :smile: And sincere thanks for pointing it out; and grateful to read your voice.

@Konstantin_Lomashuk Awesome to see that !! and deeply Honored.