I support this project because i personally know the developer, as we studied together in the same university. My id is aleready disclosed in bitcointalk, and personally i know how reliable he is and know his capacities, he had several formations in our company regarding management :
i am the son of the founder of these companies, and the CEO of Blumed Edition, so what is the link to the exchange ?
i just want to confirm that he owns the required capacities to lead this project, and regarding the development side, you can check www.veserus.com the platform is still under development, and he helped us a lot, while it is a lisenced and centralized exchanged.
Now about the wallet, i tested it, and i think it is aleready a good start, they should mature it and work on the API for the plugin part, personally i think it is a promising one, they aleready added three coins.
on the long run, this project is interesting because it could provide a real decentralized exchange, the opposite of veserus or poloniex or bittres, meaning that he is closer to the original goals of Bitcoin.
This project gives me an idea about a future possibility, i suppose the plugin system will be open sourced so the users will adapt their projects to the wallet, like an offshore bank who will offer a decentralized service using the wallet simply by including a plugin to link their user’s accounts to the wallet. nvo would be then a real gateway to decentralization, and just because of this, i am sure the exchange will attract users because even if the bank is centralized, nvo isn’t.
it is like the Alexa project of Amazon, and the google phone’s modular system which is like the plugin system, these projects are open sourced so anyone could develop his project based on these platforms. if a customer decides to use a chineese battery in the phone, google won’t be respoincible for what would happen then, this is one of the main advantages of open sourced projects. nvo is dencetralized, so it is even better.
the bank would have to create an asset to enable the trading on the exchange, like usdt, but it would be decentralized.
Good luck NVO