NTracking update

iv just finished updating NTracking for Atto’s and the new decimals I need more finger’s and toes.

also new addition to the dash board is Ndash in honor of Vdash :slight_smile:

upgrade instructions

upgrade script

sudo rm -f /usr/bin/influx-resources.sh* && sudo wget -P /usr/bin https://raw.githubusercontent.com/safenetforum-community/NTracking/main/influx-resources.sh && sudo chmod u+x /usr/bin/influx-resources.sh

update for 10 min schedule

echo "*/10 * * * * $USER /usr/bin/mkdir -p /tmp/influx-resources && /bin/bash /usr/bin/influx-resources.sh > /tmp/influx-resources/influx-resources" | sudo tee /etc/cron.d/influx_resources

braking changes

delete the telegraf bucket in influx and recreate it to clear out old data as some data types changed which upsets influx.

delete the old dashboard and import the new one from git hub



insert cruel and vindictive post re one of our stalwarts here…


Oooopps!! Thats a stopper!


Bit annoying losing your data but you can always upgrade when the next network restart happens :slight_smile:

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With my monitoring script, it shows earned amount as nanos, micros, millis (need to change to attos etc) so that I do not need to be displaying up to 27 places (up to 2 billion tokens) and just say 9 places or 6 places

If you have 1,000,000,000 of anything then showing the most significant 6 places for monitoring purposes is usually good. Detailed display can show all places

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@neo your monitoring would display

0.000000000000365471 ANT


3.65471e-13 ANT

just checking if i understood correctley ?


0.000000000000365471 ANT











good idea i had not considered what to do when earning more than a few k worth of ant yet :slight_smile:

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I did it so I could fit more info per line

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just having a look in grafana to see if i can implement this now :slight_smile:

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think iv got it i found si format in grafana options so i ended up with

0.000000000000002878 ANT


does that look correct to you ?

Guess it look good, assuming 1000 attos is 1 f


stands for f all :rofl:

@riddem was on about fermi’s being the unit this far down the food chain iv never been this far the wrong side of the decimal before so im pretty clueless down here

The femtometre is a unit used to measure length in the metric system, represented by the symbol
fm. It is equal to one quadrillionth of a meter: 10-15 m, or 1 m / 1,000,000,000,000,000. It is also 
called a fermi, named after Enrico Fermi. 
1 femtometre is equal to 0.001 picometres or 1000 attometres. 

Femto - yes xD

Milli, micro, nano
Pico, femto, atto =D

…I personally would go with the e^-x writing but then again I really hope this is just something relevant in the testing phase anyway xD
… There’s a reason those attos are not displayed in metamask… Because in no universe are 10^-18 a unit worth looking at if a full coin exists on the planet… If we’d stick with attos after launch I’d even shut down a home node because it can’t be worth the minutes setting it up…

Thats OK if you are used to working with it. The negative side is a tad harder for people. Its the football field issues with folk in the US where they have to compare very large things and very small things against more familiar things. And in general that is more common around the world than you realise. So using the SI units naming in my opinion is better because its only 6 slots people can relate to better once they know them. Its why they were invented in the fist place.

When I started in computers instruction cycles were in terms of milli and micro seconds and logic gates in micro and nano seconds. It was so easy to work with that once familiar. My engineering was mostly in exponential notation since it was so maths heavy and not uncommon to use very large and very small numbers.

Only worth running if each chunk is like 10^12 attos or more to store


latest NTracking updated for new ant naming metrics schemes

# update NTracking scripts
sudo rm -f /usr/bin/influx-resources.sh* && sudo wget -P /usr/bin https://raw.githubusercontent.com/safenetforum-community/NTracking/main/influx-resources.sh && sudo chmod u+x /usr/bin/influx-resources.sh
# set cron job for 10 min
echo "*/10 * * * * $USER /usr/bin/mkdir -p /tmp/influx-resources && /bin/bash /usr/bin/influx-resources.sh > /tmp/influx-resources/influx-resources" | sudo tee /etc/cron.d/influx_resources

latest dashboard


i may have got some of it wrong but lets see how she goes on Wednesday :slight_smile:


Did the /metrics variables change from sn_ to ant_ or to ant-

I know crate names changed from ant_ to ant-, but for metrics?

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replace sn_etc to ant_etc also store cost has been removed


What, how could they remove it!!!

Oh well I will have to delve into the code to reinstate it sometime

Maybe it only appears once a quote has been given

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NTracking was failing and when i took a look in the metrics its gone i did not go through it line by line yet but everything to do with cost does not have store cost so i hard wired it to 0 to get NTracking working again. if you find anything let me know im on dry land so have distractions like family at the moment :rofl: