4362 nodes awesome
But a bit dissapoiting for a plebbes like me… Have no clue if I contribute to the network or not, still only showing 0 nanos and no information about puts/gets…
im seeing hand shake time out errors there how long ago did you start them ?
iv got about 500 nodes online and no nanos yet so wouldn’t worry about that till the uploads get going.
since your on windows have a search for vdash in the forum if you get that going you will be able to see if you have gets and puts. if you see some gets and puts you know the node is working and can just sit back.
Uploads are paused so nobody will get nanos until they restart.
I’m confused, will my nodes be connecting the same way or do I need to upgrade?
Follow the instructions in the announcement on Discord.
Yes I suspect something is wrong but have no clue how to trouble shoot. Also showed 0 nanos after running alpha for weeks on 3 diffrent windows mashines. Restarted with beta 50 minutes ago.
is there intructions on how to run Vdash on windows?
I’m no expert on windows setups put seeing the hand shake time out error in your log screen shot makes me think there is a networking issue perhaps a fire wall blocking the nodes.
are you starting launch pad as administrator?
and have you tried disabaling your windows fire wall temporarily to see if the hand shake errors go away ?
Whoddua thought the forum would be the best place.
Yes starting as adminstrator and firewalls has been off since weeks. Chunks are sipping in as usual at least
if some chunks are coming in then things should be working how many nodes are you running ?
it could be bad luck but id say wait till the uploads for this network start and see if you are still in the rewards desert. it was mentioned uploads should be more plentiful this time round
I have just woken up and started some nodes.
My question is why I have any puts at all. If no uploads are happening for 24 hours then how can I have any puts on my nodes, let alone 50-200 puts per node?
Number of PUTS of course doesn’t relate to number of records, but I also have the records too
I noticed that too, I am guessing that they added data prior to going public to test everything works as expected.
I noticed some people just did an update using safeup while leaving their nodes running. I wonder if their chunks remained valid and coming into a new network the other nodes closest to those chunks will then be grabbing them to store
If that is true then I have a wonderful attack vector to destroy chunks contained in certain regions of xor space
To anyone interested the nodes are still coming up as 4096 max record size as reported by the nodes.
Can only assume that the max record size is still 1/2MB since the launchpad still has the same space requirements.
What is the network size now.
I am seeing nigh on 36,000 nodes now