What are other NTracking users seeing? Can anyone confirm/deny?
AIUI this is based on the view from the particular set of nodes that each NTracking instance is monitoring and can be expected to show variation across all users.
FWIW, I am seeing a welcome and consistent rise in this figure over the past few days approacing 90k
I’m also noting that records are distributed much more evenly over the ~400 nodes I have on this box. Previously I would have some storing 3000+ withing a few tens of minutes of starting while others would be be in the couple of hundreds. Much more like we should expect. Also not seeing any EuroMillions nodes so hopefully that is that bug squashed once and for all.
From the metrics of each of my 50 nodes I am seeing 22K to 170K
That is about 1/2 showing from 22K to 40K with most around the 40K and the other 1/2 (less 2) showing 40K-60K and 2 at 170K
Seems they didn’t get that problem fixed very well did they. This is the sort of thing I saw with launchpad (or manager with --home-network) prior to the latest release.
the distribution of network size estimates looks super strange to me …
(that’s from my own implementation of @qi_ma 's formula based on the buckets … not from the official API values implemented by maidsafe … but should be the same)
…i don’t think the network has grown that drastically … from the estimate distribution i’d think we’re around 40/45k nodes … and the higher values come from effects on buckets based on the last updates that changed something in routing table stuff (because of the jackpot nodes)