Hi all,
has any body received there safe exchange coins from the crowd sale. I sent Maid safe coins to the crowd sale ( maidsafe address ) but have not yet received any safe exchange coins, has any body received there safe exchange coins for the crowd sale…
Regards switch01
Hi, there’s a forum for Safex over here where it’s best to ask questions that relate to that project: http://discuss.safex.io/
I don’t think the coins have been made yet, so nobody will have received them yet.
You’re rude. In this case you also failed to read the question.
Thank you for your reply ,I will look at the link you sent me.
I do not understand your reply and would also ask you ,what kind of nonsense is this?.
Yep, misread the incorrectly phrased question, @switch01 sorry about that.
I sent Maid safe coins to the crowd sale ( maidsafe address ) but have not yet received any safe exchange coins,
You didn’t send Maid safe coins, but MAID, and you sent them to a Bitcoin address.
[quote=“DavidMc0, post:3, topic:6704”]
I don’t think the coins have been made yet, so nobody will have received them yet.
[/quote] @DavidMc0
They are created check here:
Hmmmm but it also says: TestCoin so… ???
I also didn’t get mine yet, but let’s be patient young one
I don’t have the link, but he told us that they will be sent by the 5th of Feb
MAID is another name for Maidsafecoin. Yes, they were sent to a bitcoin address, but it was the bitcoin address designated to send maidsafecoin to, as opposed to the address designated for the payment of bitcoin.
Manners, @janitor, please.
hey there @switch01, SafeExchangeCoins will be distributed by February 5th,
Thanks to all of you that took time to reply my post, much appreciated.
Regards switch01