The forum came months after the crowdsale but if I recall correctly you will have provided some bitcoin, sent it to an address provide by MaidSafe, and your MAID will have been returned to that address.
If you left it there it will still be there, so the first stage is for you to find that address. Then check it has the MAID (by posting the address into
Lastly you will need to find the private keys for that address.
Exactly what those steps involve will depend on how you managed the process back at the crowdsale, so if you need help try to remember as much of what you did as you can.
Hi, so I finally got back to Glasgow and found old laptop.
I’ve found the BTC address (and private keys) and can see in omniexplorer that it does have maidsafecoin against it.
Thanks so much for your help.
The final piece of the jigsaw for me is how to get the MaidSafeCoins into a wallet. Can you advise?
humble thanks!