New safenetwork app - Safelists

This is a great concept, and targeting the torrent market with the benefits of Safe is brilliant & makes a lot of sense.

However, in my mind this use case highlights a potential weakness in the economics of the the Safe network: anyone using this without being a farmer / paying SafeCoin is getting something for nothing, and if there are enough free riders, it may skew the price of storing data on the safe network upwards, possibly to the degree that storing data on Safe becomes uncompetitive for all but niche uses.

However, I can’t see a way around this unless people were required to sign & pay SafeCoin in order to download above a certain speed / capacity.

Anyway, good work & I look forward to seeing it on the Safe network proper when it’s launched soonish, and hope my worries about getting something for nothing are unfounded :smiley:

(edit - catching up on this discussion to see if there’s an explanation for my concern: Free GETs aren't going to fly).