I want:
- Dropbox with file synch to non-SAFE drives which handles nasty edge cases (like file rename - which Dropbox does ok but SpiderOak messes up, or at least used to).
- scheduled backup with a nice UI for browsing what is there and retrieving stuff
- Firefox plugin to handle “safe:” URLs
- secure email and messaging (Thunderbird like?): within SAFE
- secure email and messaging: extended to integrate with existing email (to facilitate some kind of migration over time as old contacts join SAFE (able to import contacts/messages from major email clients & webmail services)
- facebook killer. No “killer” is not a strong enough word ;-). Borrow best features from fb and diaspora. Add a personalisable “StackExchange” like ranking or reputation system for on/off-app contacts and on/off-app content sources. Filters/ranking start with communal settings, but which I can turn up and down individually based on my appreciation or dislike of content from different sources. So I can tune, to include more/less from other rankers, sources etc. as well as get the benefit of communal ratings as a default, but I become the ultimate arbiter of what gets prominence in my feed, search etc.
- native SAFE apps to replace: Search (with ranking/filters as for “facebook killer” above), LibreOffice, Web Browser, SSH and x11vnc clients (for connecting outside SAFE - at the last hop?), YouTube, GIMP
- SAFE bootable (immutable) OS so I can run all the native apps without an insecure OS underneath, but with ability to run sandboxed (VM?) Linux and Linux+Wine (and maybe Windows) for apps I can’t get on SAFE OS yet. Problem here is going to be drivers for peripherals no (printer, camera, mobile)?