MAIDsafecoin, Price and Trading topic (Closed)

Well, let’s friendly agree we friendly disagree here. Friendly, because we are debating and sharing opinions here as friends. And I wouldn’t want it any other way.

That said, for the moment I compare the Maid token to a grain of sand. There’s a lot of them, but it’s hardly useful. What we project in the current price determination of Maid is a hope, an expectation, a future use case that might happen if all goes well. But that doesn’t change the fact that NOW there is no serious use case, except trading with people that are willing to buy my Maid, or sell me Maid if I was a buyer. I’ve been a buyer only so far, for who cares to know. So, we could set up trading with grains of sand also, and put the price of 1 grain of sand to 10 cents. It would be very ridiculous, I know. But let’s be honest, putting a price of 10 cents to 1 Maid token now, is just as ridiculous.

Another note I want to express here, if you don’t mind. The moment I invested my money in MaidSafe at the time of the IPO/crowdfunding, I was hoping that the money would be used wisely and for the benefit of the Safe Network only. I was also hoping that the Maid tokens I got back then, would give me a head start the moment Safe Network would Go Live. Both seem to happen; the money is very wisely spend as far as I can see, and with a slowly rising price of Maid overall, I’m going to have a serious head start on the Safe Network, compared to people buying Maid/Safecoin at a later moment. So please don’t think I’m unhappy with a current price above $0 lol! But to be fair, I still think any price above $0 is thin air and based on projected hope…


I’ve given that a thought. A starting point for me was that website that I linked earlier: and in my opinion, ultimately Safecoin could replace all coins and banknotes of the world. That would be an estimated amount of $5 trillion stored in Safecoins. That’s $5,000,000,000,000 which would make 1 Safecoin roughly worth $1,100. Here I’m presuming all Safecoins are in use; now we only see 10% of them represented in the Maid token, if I’m right. With all these zeros to take into consideration I hope I’m not making a mistake here lol!


If Safecoin reaches Alphabet/Google’s market cap, then Safecoin would be about $100 per coin.


thats crazy man, there will be 4.500.000.000 coins aproxymatly, x100 450.000.000.000 dolars in safes, i see that almost imposible

the is 5 billion, not trillion i think

It’s all relative anyway. Chances are we’ll see some serious hyper inflation at some point in the next few years. Fiat currencies look like they might crash like dominoes. We could see currencies collapse and all people want is assets like crypto coins. If the dollar becomes almost worthless then one safecoin could conceivably be worth $100k+, but still only be worth 0.00004 BTC, but maybe that tiny amount of btc will buy you a week’s rent ;). Who knows where this whole mess ends up? I like safecoins chances though, it is a recipe for success imo.

1 SafeCoin = 100 loaves of cheap, sliced, white bread by 2020 :wink:


On that page, Bitcoin is valued at $5 billion, all coins and banknotes on the world are valued at $5 trillion. These figures are from December 2015, if I remember well. In my humble opinion, Safecoin has a better chance to play the role that Bitcoin is currently trying to play: Internet cash. Anonymous, fast, reliable. Bitcoin will most likely play the role of gold in the end: a rather stable store of wealth. And looking at that page again at the gold value, Bitcoin too has a lot of room to grow still.


Keep in mind that halving will happen, and historically the rise in price happened after the halving took place. and not the months leading up to halving.


i ment there is 5 billion safecoins in total aproximatly, not the value in dollars, and about the safecoins, in this moment ethereum looks like the best option of money to the internet, y hope it will be MAID, but i dont believe it

@leonmeitor It will take a long long time for the full amount of Safecoins to become available. The amount of Safe that will be available once MVP is released will be the exact same amount of MAID that is also currently available, which is 452,552,412 MAID which is 15% of all the MAID/SAFE that there will ever be. 5% of MAID is for the initial founders/investors of Maidsafe going back 10yrs now and the other 10% was made available to purchase by the public during the initial sale. No more have been produced since, nor will they until MVP.

The remaining 75%, which will only be available after the switch to SAFE from MAID (which will happen when the MVP is finally released) which be harder to obtain as it will initially have to be farmed first, or will be gained by people producing apps/sites/content/stuff in the future.

If any of the above is incorrect, I hope someone can correct me. I have written it as I currently understand the MAID>SAFE switch/amount of coins.

I personally see the price for MAID/SAFE to rise by quite a bit in the near future, and will remain fairly steady once it reaches it’s floor which should be in the $2-5 USD range. (from a traders view) However, most people will see that the true value of SAFE lies in the Safe network itself and not in the price of the coin; so many users will hopefully decide to keep the majority of their holdings for actual use on the network.


2^32 about 4.3 billion

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1st the amount available on day 1 is 15% (10% crowd sale and 5% reserved for investors)

Also with recycling occurring continuously as people upload it will take a long long time for the coin “out there” to be 70%.

So if the price reaches 100$ then almost guaranteed to be less than 430 billion dollars worth issued.


Yeh, my explaining was trying to communicate that. The recycling thing though I did forget about.

I know the full amount will take a very long time to realise, if ever; however it’s the recycling part I didn’t know about enough to mention.

Thanks for making it clearer though. I see the question asked multiple times on various boards as well as the Trollbox, so is there a dedicated thread here that we can point people to when the question is asked?

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Not a dedicated one for the sale/investors, but there is a post by nicklambert? somewhere that states the 15% figure on day 1. Even nick in some posts does not explain it well/correctly because it has the complexity of a once off 10+5 % issuance/reserve then an ongoing component without a fixed percentage of the total, but rather as needed by algorithms.

I looked for the 15% mentioned by nick and I only came across the post which unfortunately was misleading as best as can be seen in the discussion topic that led upto the wiki topic.

There is a wiki entry discussed on a topic. (the linked topic is clearing up things and full of discussions with errors being fixed etc, so is not much benefit)

Some posts that discuss the 5% for investors


Excellent, many thanks for the links.

I hope that they will create an easy to understand (ELI5) thread/wiki post that makes it very clear to new and existing investors how the switch to Safe will work allocation wise as well as the current and future total amounts of Safe. This will also include how the recycling functions will work, farming etc.

I can see that some of these are explained, to a point; but a clearer/edited version should also be created. It should also be pinned here so that new investors who will always have this question don’t have to dig in to the wiki in order to locate the answer. Not having a go at any of the staff/devs, just making an observation that may prove useful to other people such as myself.

Again though, many thanks @neo for the links above.


I’m fairly modest in my expectations. $0.10 - $0.25 range for this year, $1 in 2017-2018 somewhere. I don’t think it will be so explosive as Ethereum. However, when people ‘get it’ en masse, it might go a bit faster?

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Actually I think the obvious controversy will get a lot of media attention, combined with the fact that anybody can ‘use’ it and understand it quickly, not just devs. I think it will be way, way, way more explosive than Ethereum has been!

It might take a while though. I’d be very happy if it went over $2 this year, but I fully expect it to go much higher in 2017.


Funny, I read the same type of sentiments several times in the Poloniex trollbox when I was buying extra Maid two weeks ago from my Ethereum profits. However, since then I’m under water, having bought in the 24000-25500 satoshis range two weeks ago. Well, not really, since the IPO/crowdfunding Maid (roughly 1/3 of my current stash) is compensating. But that’s why I’m more careful with my expectations. Anyway, I’m sure we will revisit this subject together this year. Let’s see. :slight_smile:

When a bird is alive , it eats ants .
When a bird is dead , ants eat the bird .

So , time can turn at any time ,
we shall not devalue anyone in life .

One may well be : powerful for a time ,
but time is more powerful than anyone .
One tree makes myriads of match sticks ,
but one match stick can burn a big forest .
Be Good and do Good ; be MAID and do MAID ,

SAFE will come alive ; may Vaults make us grow ,
and safecoin thereafter , will knit us all together bright ,
around the entire vision and beyond our longings :ant:
There is Patience to be MAID , and Perseverance :ant:

Everything will fall into place & happen as projected : :seedling:
On MAIDday :chipmunk: which is essentially each & any day :bellhop:

Now , go out into the World to spread the gospel , teach ,
it is by learning we come to teach & by teaching we learn


It will obviously still go up and down on the road upwards. Considering the gains from 3500 sats in just a few months a retrace from 28k to 20k was not surprising.

A 25k entry point will still sound like getting Eth at $1 in 6 months imo, don’t let the short-term sway your optimism, it’s all meaningless until we get the full MVP, then it only has one way to go :wink: