MaidSafe Progress Roadmap

Yes! Steady as she goes, and full steam ahead, but let’s keep our eyes open for the icebergs ahead! Momentum is what we have here, speed is unimportant.


It’s a Journey with checkpoints along the way, releases with value make it into the wild , each of which continues to develop a MAIDSafe Network value layer cake to the interested consumer of secure P2P network services, there is no finish line, especially when the MAIDsafe Network and Safecoin use goes viral amongst developers, it will have a life of its own.

The famous MS rant about developers developers developers definitely applies here,

and should be made often (with more style) by MAIDsafe, so as to inclusively build the developer community so MAID becomes the unstoppable juggernaut it is designed to be, leaving all others in the space in the dust over time.


It would be good to get some of the future cool stuff on a published roadmap somewhere visible. I suspect many don’t even realise that SAFENetwork will have compute in the future too for example.


That would be great - along with an explanation of what each future feature should enable.


One day he stand up and say " SAFE developers, SAFE developers, SAFE developers" … :rofl:


I really think an official, detailed, and outsider-friendly roadmap should be made and maintained by the marketing employees.

I remember a roadmap a while ago, that stopped getting updated, and was run by developers. I think something like that will never work because the time predictions will be way off and the developers have better things to do than try to maintain a roadmap (which is a marketing rather than programming initiative).

Most of the information needed is out there (on the forums) already, but it’s only accessible to those who understand the network very well already. That’s not an inclusive way to keep people up-to-date, and it results in progress being posted in all sorts of unrelated topics because the central reference that an official roadmap would provide just isn’t there.

Marketing employees would, I’m guessing, have access to the developers, so if they aren’t sure about a detail they could check it easily without starting a 300-reply thread about it.

For time predictions, the developers obviously don’t want to mislead people, so why not let the marketing time make the predictions, with feedback/speculation from the community? A wildly inaccurate guess is better than no guess in my opinion.

Please, marketing employees, use your position to create an accessible roadmap :pray:


@whiteoutmashups, yes there will be as many alphas as needed. @dirvine has only specified alphas 3 & 4. I am not sure why people think just because the other alphas have not been mapped yet that there will not or cannot be more alphas.


Maybe because everyone utterly hates the thought of that and doesn’t want to have it in their head for more then a millisecond :stuck_out_tongue:


And that is totally understandable. I doubt anyone likes the sound of it taking longer.

Still more alphas mean less betas.


haha great because that sounds loads better :stuck_out_tongue:

but I guess the counterargument to THAT is that more alphas / betas means less time waiting in between a fewer amount of alphas / betas? lol

lol we just want to keep getting our hands dirty and be a part of the process I guess. more alphas and betas are ok I guess if they are just a week or two apart or something :stuck_out_tongue: not 6months+


Roadmaps need to be driven by feedback loops coming from: customers/users; developers; testers; 3rd party analysts and partner sources with such feedback collated by the product development manager who ever that is to be presented with recommendations to the core management team driving the show so they can set direction inline with their vision for each release and then let the rest of the team fill in the details and deliver on them per the approved schedule, so SAFE can get to market driven mode as quickly as possible … just my 2 cents… :slight_smile: R2


Nice progress. Great to see this coming together - long time in the oven!

I think for something like MaidSafe, that doesn’t apply. The network isn’t a ‘product’ with customers, but a desperately needed solution to protect human rights among other things. That kind of thing shouldn’t be rushed.

The ‘product development manager’ (I’m guess David Irvine) shouldn’t be doing the roadmap in my opinion, as it could be very time consuming and doesn’t affect the network.

The roadmap is purely a morale thing, and therefore something for the marketing department. I would suggest it be the first thing the marketing department should get done, as any marketing relies on promoting MaidSafe as ‘on the right track’, regardless of how far in the future the estimates they come up with are.

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Morale is everything is software development. :wink:


New here. Just installed the browser. I look forward to the progress.


Whose morale? :wink:

They have internal very detail plans, but useless as a roadmap.

The roadmap is only for the people and to be too detailed is to cause loss of morale when the date is missed by even 1 day.

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I would say a proper roadmap wouldn’t have that problem.

If it’s looking like the date will be missed, the estimates can be updated. If the date is still missed despite that, then the developers still know exactly where they’re at, and they’d only have to answer some quick questions from the marketing team to make the roadmap run smoothly.

Can anyone honestly say that they personally would feel demoralised by a roadmap?


I always imagine Safenet release is ticking with a doomsday clock. When the clock ticks to 0 viola, Security, Privacy…FREEDOM. Can’t see the clock now :frowning:


4 years is an eternity in crypto. The danger may not seem real, but investors pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into the project are going to start getting nervous. It’s not about them, but at the same time they are the ones financing the project.

Don’t have millions into the project, but as an investor with a substantial amount tied down into this projects, 4 years is not something I wanted to hear…

Same feeling here… :no_mouth: