MaidSafe and project SAFE moving forward

Could there not be a - onetime - facility/registry where Maidsafe could reserve the ID’s for the owners. It may not be technically possible but once live, ownership would be assigned to the rightful owner. This would be a worthwhile administration process as its a much needed revenue / profit center.

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OK - just for you, just today, if you sign here now, we get you the $10 price - :relaxed: It’s your idea dude. If the team adopts it you should get you first five Pub ID’s for free. Great idea!!!

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You can do it yourself (new topic I would suggest). I am not for/against the idea, but its yours

[ poll ]

  • option 1
  • option 2

remove the spaces around the first poll tag. That is change " poll " to “poll”

I am guessing they would keep a list and run a script to set them up, each time the network is reset. As to the feasibility and amount of work/effort, I don’t know and they very well may not like the idea.

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I would be very surprised if they didnt thoroughly enjoy the “administering” of much needed income. The admin costs are easily offset/covered by the revenue generated.

That would be perfect! Great idea @neo

Thanks a lot bro, but no free tickets for me because Maidsafe can really use this money. [quote=“neo, post:500, topic:9558”]
remove the spaces around the first poll tag. That is change " poll " to “poll”
Thanks, but maybe the price of $10 + $5 for additional public ID’s will work.

I think that Maidsafe should also announce the crowdsale to & if people are interested.

Although they can use the format I used above, I don’t know if can export an xml file of transactions. But with it, they don’t have to exchange money and can withdraw the funds in their preferred currency right into their bank account.

An auction of publicID’s could provide quite a bit of money. I’m in favour of that idea. If not MaidSafe, someone else will run a script to register a few thousand obvious publicID’s quickly to sell later on.


Eh? What big projects moving to what network?

Debatable, if you’ve sold your stack so soon before the big bump that’s coming you risk calling yourself stupid when you look back with hindsight… I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and just assume you haven’t done your due diligence though :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


But let’s limit the auction to 100 people 100 publicID’s for whatever.
But besides that, the smaller guys can still buy publicID’s at $10 + $5 additional publicID’s

I know I am an annoying being and I am probably the last who gets it, but what volume are we exactly looking for and what does the assumed amount mean in term of scaling Maidsafe? 1 Mio., 2 Mio, 6 Mio.?

Ben Bollen - Software Engineer at Eris Industries

After researching quantum information in Belgium, Ben started on a quest to distribute computation, privacy on the internet, and Belgian chocolate. He moved to Berlin to join Eris Industries as a developer on the platform team. In his pastime he is working on a mathematical proof that Belgian beer is the best.

Eris is a platform for building, testing, maintaining, and operating
distributed applications with a blockchain backend. Eris makes it easy
and simple to wrangle the dragons of smart contract blockchains.

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Not sure that’s a good idea, you’ll have to identify people to enforce that, or people will use double accounts etc. Better to just set a minimum price of $50 for example before it’s eligible for actual sale. That way the “smaller” domains won’t all be taken in advance as well.

I’m sure we can find a fairly easy solution to hold this sale on the bitcoin blockchain, it’s perfect for this sort of thing.


Maybe it’s better to have the crowdsale first, because that will at least get some money in the kitty.

bitcoin is in it’s highly volatile state now, I would think it’s better to just play around with fiat this time. The last time Maidsafe played around with crypto it was a disaster.

I got to go to work, but I hope we find a sensible solution, that will make us all happy and get on with delivering and playing on the SAFE Network. :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s incredible the absolute lack of demand and criticism the community has in this project. They broke their promise, they lied to the community several times, not just with this coins that they guaranteed they where gonna burn them, but with the MVP, claiming for almost a year that it was just a matter of days or weeks, and here we are, after a year, with absolutly NOTHING, and nothing happens, people just smiles and writes about the future of the internet and the ants comming. Im starting to think that the 95% of all this accounts on the forum are just bots that aims to create a false illusion of a positive and united community, because I just dont want to believe that there is so many people that dosen’t give a f*ck of getting constantly lied and played like a fool…

they could delay the project until 2030 and people would still be talking about ants comming and how revolutionary is the concept of maidsafe, its aboslutly unbelievable, and it doesn’t susprisse me at all the way the development group laughs at the community with this situation


Dude I believe more in David than all you princesses who want to SPAM this forum right now. If you don’t talk code and are not talking about a solution, you’ll simply be ignored :kissing_heart:


In advance of a live network Maidsafe should really be the front for this. This puts the revenue square in their pockets. Once live, the process could be managed by third parties with guidance by Maidsafe and fees shared. The key here is vanity Pub ID’s will be most valuable and registrations must not interfere with trademarks, etc…


don’t waste your time with traders that just joined the forum minutes ago because they are afraid the downtrend might stop too early for them … (personal opinion)
this thread here is just a huge demonstration of people being in fear that there could be something huge released too soon and trying to discredit the project/delay development … (yeah and some people really are concerned about the project … but most of it is just FUD …)


I think it should be a one time thing only, SAFE is supposed to be a fully autonomous decentralised network, so MaidSafe has no place in continously managing the DNS. They do play a special role in bootstrapping the initial network, so at that point they could pre-register a particular list of names, but after that it should be unregulated (first come first serve) like it is now.

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@qweqwe1 Brand new accounts with zero history that do nothing but FUD get ignored. The reason we’re all so positive is because of what has been accomplished and the technical achievements are there for all to see. Your post is just hyperbole, misinformation and subjective opinion, nothing worth listening to and nothing that changes the fact that SAFEnet is about to go boom.

How much do you think this will raise?

Am I only the only person here who would be amazed if this raised more than a few thousand bucks? :confused:

Could it really raise hundreds of thousands?

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I am a positive guy (and the bot number 7) and sometimes I also fears you have. You have to focus on what advance. Look at the apps currently on dev. Test the community test.

Maidsafe, having no blockchain, have a disadvantage in his community because everything has to work to start . The project Darkcoin ( dash ) also made ​​us wait his masternodes. But the community could do some mining while waiting. A little similar with Ethereum. This one still far from the ultimate goal. (where POS ??)

Maid must do much more before day 1 .