MaidSafe and project SAFE moving forward

Just OT trivia (because I hate made up quotes), but Goebbels (most likely) never said that.


Interrrresting, I am googling it and now I kinda agree with his supposedly documented position:

What if we could start reserving our “public ID” through Maidsafe? So you pay Maidsafe, 10 Maidsafecoin now and they reserve your public ID for you before the SAFE Network is launched. It’s a possible solution for Maidsafe to get some money in the kitty.

I’m honestly tired of us exchanging words that bring no value to moving forward “Maidsafe and project SAFE”. Talk is cheap, when a opensource project needs money, it needs money or everybody will go home and later wonder why we lost that match.

I would suggest using

  • You can send a message with your public ID and an amount in euro’s or pound
  • If we can agree the price of $ 0.50 per public ID
  • Maidsafe can withdraw the raised money to their bank account

I realize that this idea creates an administrative burden for Maidsafe, heck it even violates the law that only users will directly interact with the SAFE Network, but if we don’t have ideas/solutions we’re simply stuck exchanging words. It can’t be that we have the most promising solution to improve lives and be stuck because we have no ideas/solution or unwilling to stick a hand out and reach for David and his team.

If your idea is “No David I don’t want you to get new devs, I want the SAFE Network now”, please speak up, because it’s only through input that we’ll get a output.

If nobody likes this idea fine, but please fire up some ideas and solutions, because everything else really doesn’t matter. It’s been 4 days now, how long are we going to take? a week, a month or even a year?

P.s. I’m out of ammo I gave the solutions:

  • Donate and I donated
  • Buy Maidsafecoins and I bought Maidsafecoins
  • Buy public ID??? I’m even ready and willing to do that :stuck_out_tongue:
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@19eddyjohn75 Doesn´t it all come down to “how much money is needed”?? I still don´t know :neutral_face:

@piluso well… no need to agree. The Nazis lied on many occasions, so Goebbels was hypocritical and that´s certainly one of the reasons why people find it plausible that Goebbels said what you quoted. It would also make a nice quote for Donald Trump btw. There are many quotes like this and all kinda appeal to authority or used as ad hominem. Sorry I had to go OT, rhetoric is one of my passions :wink:

19 M Maid * $ 0.60 = $11,4 M (I’m not speaking for Maidsafe that they need this, this is just the sum at the moment)

Maidsafe got $ 85000 monthly cost

When can Maidsafe deliver the mvp?

Based upon the answer for the mvp and maybe the idea to reserve a public ID, we might have a solution.

@Artiscience would you pay to reserve a public ID?

The presale of public IDs sounds like an interesting proposition.

This is incorrect:
19 M Maid * 0.06 **(rather than 0.6)** = $ 1.4 M

Edit: Apologies , just had an impression that is reference to:
“(I’m not speaking for Maidsafe that they need this, this is just the sum at the moment)”

Edit 2: Turns out my impression wasn’t wrong.


why 0.06? @19eddyjohn75 clearly proposed 60 cents per public ID, not six cents.

To be honest we won’t violate our values and it will be a service that we get from Maidsafe.

If we can just send an transaction in this format:
Public ID, Pin, Keyword, Password;

Maidsafe will need to create a script that creates accounts in this format, in the order that people bought their public ID. So when the SAFE Network launch, there is no need for you to create this account or public ID anymore, it’s already there.

True indeed, i got to overexcited about the Maid price, but when the SAFE Network launch that will be $6 per SAFEcoin I promise :stuck_out_tongue:


I thought you were talking about selling the public IDs at that price

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To be honest I would rather see a public ID price of $ 1, that way Maidsafe gets the money quicker. But maybe we should have a poll and have the community decide a price that’s favorable.

PS could also reserve a batch of public ID’s like so:
Public ID1, Pin, Keyword, Password;
Public ID2, Pin, Keyword, Password;
Public ID3, Pin, Keyword, Password;
Public ID4, Pin, Keyword, Password;

Obviously you would need to pay $4 for this batch if the price would be $1 per public ID

It’s a nice idea but I dont think you’d raise anything like what’s needed. Besides, there is no problem here to fix now.

The team have told us what they are doing. They will have plenty of money. All they and we need be concerned with now is the good news that’s coming. Once price shoots back up the drip sells will be worth much more and that 19M could last them quite a while.

I don’t see the need to talk about donating or devising other schemes at this point tbh, much as I agree with the sentiment behind the ideas. If I thought maidsafe needed my money to keep plugging away I’d give it gladly, but I don’t think they do. All they need is to launch this MVP and create a stir in the media to shout about how the naysayers were wrong and the tech works. The money situation is ok, they are selling the 19M, problem solved.


Unsure whether that´s a proper “perk” for a crowdsale. I share the concerns you raised yourself (regarding direct interaction with the network). I also believe that the public IDs won´t matter in the end - I think there will be different DNS services based on cryptic-looking public IDs. Also at that rate you would have to sell ~140K public IDs to have only one month funded.

Really, what´s the problem in funding the work of Maidsafe? These coins are the less complicated solution to money flux, point taken, but is it really the best?

Thinking if somebody needs your money, is totally different from knowing if somebody needs that money. All this time that I’ve been here I’ve experience Maidsafe as a modest/honest bunch. IMHO they would not say they need money if they don’t need it. 19 M Maid means totally nothing if that can’t be translated into fiat at the same value and we all know how people can react to announcements (20% drop of Maid in 24 hours).

I totally agree with the MVP before everything else, but if they run out of gas before the MVP, a crowdsale could help. I would like to reserve my public ID’s now if possible (I know that seneca would and even janitor indicated in the past that he would) and it doesn’t hurt to experiment.

You can never know something if you don’t try something, Maidsafe needs to indicate how much they need before they can deliver the mvp and that can be weighted with how many public ID’s for how much.

Not everybody might be interested but some people might be interested to get their public ID first even before launch.

Just remember that even after MVP (alpha 1) launch the network will be reset more than once as they progress through alpha 1.2.3…?? then beta 1 … ?? then live

So any public ID will have to be set up when it goes live. But if its still true what @dirvine said that the last beta release will simply turn into the live network, then the public ID list would have to be set every beta release that could become live.

Also if people are looking at the price of MAID there is 2 things to remember 1) the week to week cycle we’ve seen for over a month and 2) BTC is going up quickly and the traders/whales are buying BTC ready for halving where they expect big profits (ie selling MAID to buy BTC)


To me, sell the 24M of coins is a scam. Maidsafe broke the investment rules and, for that, I sell all my maidsafe.

Big projects are moving from maidsafe to other networks, and it looks that maidsafe never will be a succesful project.

Thanks for all, but I’m not stupid guy that believes that 24M error coins that must be destroyect will work like a credit card to the future. This is not a FIAT currency project and, for sure, to me it’s a scam. Also, Maidsafe is not transparent with his funds, another bad think, without dated roadmap… c’mon, whats up?

Hell of a good idea @19eddyjohn75 … Selling Pub ID’s - Maidsafe needs to think about the creating some much needed revenue streams and this is a good start, I see an initial selling price of $20 for the primary ID and then a much lower cost - $5.00- for additional ID’s - setting up something like the US has Anticybersquatting Protection would be helpful.

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You clearly are clueless to be using the word “scam” so lightly.
Go ahead, sell your maidsafe and cry afterwards.


You make a amazingly good point here, traders are traitors and the Maid price won’t remain static, for whoever is thinking that Maidafe got enough money.

@neo could you make a poll at what price people who are interested, would like to reserve their public ID? Maybe a crowdsale for 42 days and flexible goal (people interested can pump whatever they want into this until the crowdsale ends) would be good.

If you sell your coins now, you’ll just regret it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey that’s a reasonable price range and it would aggressively bring in the funds needed. But hey I’m a poor guy can’t we just set the price to $10 minimum?

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Maybe there could be an auction for the right of securing the first batches of Public IDs.