Lex Cryptographia - Lex Mercatoria: A Reflexive Law Guide To An Autonomous Legal System

Going to expand this post later as it goes into reputation systems and transnational merchant law…

This interview is with one of the developers of ‘Open Transactions’ where he mentions Lex Mercatoria, which he wrote a blog post on.

He was probably influenced by this article which is very interesting indeed:

Lex Mercatoria: A Reflexive Law Guide To An Autonomous Legal System

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I’ve not watched the video yet, but it is a very interesting area. Ancient Irish law is also fascinating. How cooperation and peace are maintained without a centralised authority is a concept worth revisiting. It could help to answer many of today’s overly authoritarian issues.

Here is Justus Ranvier’s blog post on the topic:

His blog has a bunch of interesting insights in general.


That is a good read for those struggling to understand how a distributed legal system could operate.

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William Hertlings scifi explores trying to contain millions of super human AI with reputation systems. Its fine for organizations but totally inappropriate for individuals. Keep the control or SKU labels off the people, its an attempt to preserve plutocrat power by turning people into fungible currency.