Isn't rewarding routing nodes going to be key?

In that case, yes, rewarding internet service providers will be absolutely critical to the Safe network, and for now, this is simply done through existing markets for ISPs. Safe will work on top of the Internet services from current providers.

There has also been talk of the Safe network incentivising it’s own service prividers through some kind of mesh-net that doesn’t rely on existing infrastructure, which could be very interesting, but isn’t on any current roadmap, so just ideas at this stage.

Safe could in theory reward those who provide network links & bandwidth to a completely new Internet infrastructure, and incentive structures could incentivise the growth of this network plus strengthening any weak links.

There are some good discussions around this if you search the forum for mesh, including the following topics:

Edit: link - Mesh - Libernet - A decentralized global mesh communication network

Here David Irvine indicates he would like this to happen once the network is stable (see second comment on this thread).

More good discussions here: SUGGESTION: Funding Our Own Hard Network (Mesh?)

Hope this gets picked up again following network launch - could be very interesting.