There was attack on sea internet cabel lately. imo this could be real problem sometimes, if suddenly a lot of nodes turn off.
There has been some discussions on this and there is maths to describe effects of large number of nodes going offline at once. EG China whitelisting their internet with a giant switch.
For cutting links, typically it isn’t full disconnection for nodes, but bottlenecks and those nodes are not as effective. In this situation churning will be happening across the globe as data is shifted to other nodes. The whole region doesn’t go dark equally and will range from no connection to slowed connections on alternative routes to full connection on the alt routes. The number of lost nodes is much smaller than a country cutting off its internet.
Also the nodes will be able to come back online once alternative routes are established.
Whereas a country like China going dark on the stroke of midnight, there is no opportunity for chunks to churn and any chunk totally replicated in China would be lost unless China comes back.
Could we create QR codes to wear as t-shirts that carry chunks which could help populate a cutoff network?
That’d be a huge number of T shirts. Think of the chunks just in opensuse ISO of 4GB, then multiple that across humanity data
I’m sure we could hide chunks in images in twitter if we had to , and piggy back on allowed sources to trickle a connection in.