I'm building bridges

Hello friends,

as someone may have noticed in recent months, I have reduced my participation in the discussions in the forum (but not in its administration), because I think I am more useful for Safe by building bridges to other crypto communities.

The purpose of this post is to share experiences about this strategy. In short, I can confirm that this way of promoting Safe works if someone decides to apply it in their local environment.

Here is a photo from one of the new communities in which I actively participate (for crypto trading) from today:

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And a video:

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And all I’m doing is training my puppy. :dog:


How do you find the time, Dimitar? For professional reasons I’ve had to lay off the computer learning time myself a huge amount for the moment, and I must say I’m impressed with how you keep at it. I hope to get back into it when I’m more on top of things, and seeing your motivation is always a boost. Fair play to you


intermittent fasting - frees up a lot of time when you eat once a day.

For me, Safe is a motivating machine that makes me want to be healthy for the next 20 years so I can see all the wonders it promises to bring to our species!

And honestly, anything worth doing is worth doing badly. I can’t make time for Safe every day, and when I do, I don’t try to make things perfect. It is better to do something, because the effect of the action accumulates over time.

You may not have 20 minutes to run in the park, but a 5 minute brisk walk is better than sitting all day. Everything that is worth it is worth doing badly :wink: I’m not the best for promoting Safe, but I promote it.

Good luck friend!

Privacy. Security. Freedom


Good one! I’ll try to remember that. Cheers!