Thanks a lot @joshuef and @bochaco!! I learned a lot and hope others find as useful and as much fun as we did.
The commute sorted again! Thanks in advance!
Thanks a lot @fergish for this, it was a lot of fun! I honestly hope this really helps to get more people to understand about these concepts and how they fit in SAFE.
@bochaco the great Scot of Spain!!! It’s got a good ring to it doesn’t it? Haha. Great job @joshuef and Gabriel. Always good hearing you guys and this was a great explanation that came out very clearly.
Great podcast and a very useful resource for anyone struggling to understand where SOLID fits and what application/data separation is. Good work guys!
Actually, it’s Josh that is the Scot in Spain.
Clueless consumer txed 0.00281305 BTC
Thanks again for the great podcast sir, almost 5k views
Keep it up, yeah next time I’ll donate to the musician also
@19eddyjohn75 No worries but always appreciated my friend. Thanks
Thanks, Signor!!
Your support is greatly appreciated, as always.