If SAFE won't pay content makers, it shouldn't pay App makers

@TungSvard you make really good points really poorly. Let me fix some of these for you (disclaimer - all quotes should be considered solely my point of view, and are accurate as far as the scope of my own personal view reaches):

The Network is concerned about the operating costs of itself. Anything that does not aid it’s own income is not to be rewarded.

This goes for you too @dyamanaka

Pray tell - why should they earn income. “Should” is a very strong word - akin to “must”. Don’t they give no direct economic advancement to the Network?

If the users pay the app by the quantity of their usage, then it is a free market - in more senses of the phrase than normally apply. See the PUT Incentive Model above.

When your slogan is fixed, it sounds like soviet-era wall street propaganda bullsh*t to me.

To clarify: it’s not backed by content, it’s utilized and maybe even valued by content - but the value of Coins, as you have stated before, is not representational of the health of the Network or it’s Coin. It’s backed by Network space and operations made accessible by apps creating the ability to PUT and subsequently GET the content.

BTW - if you wanted to PUT data to, or GET data from the Network without an app, you would have to edit the source code itself. Else you could create a script using the API, but isn’t that in itself an app?!?!?!