If freedom of speech is what you guys are promoting why are you trying to hide my post? Perhaps a de-centralized internet has it's downsides afterall

Everytime I try to post a topic it gets deleted or hidden…ironic really

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I’ve send you 3 PMs without any reaction, you keep reposting the same topic over and over that’s why I’ve deleted them.

I’ll probably get kicked off this forum for this post…so if i don’t re-post anything thats whats happened. Don’t prompt any discussion on the future of maidsafe if you want to stay on the forumn :slight_smile:

Where’s my first post?

Read my PM. I’ll copy it right here but please respond in the PM.

We don’t kick people of the forum for posting in the wrong category etc. So be welcome, read your PM’s and you’re good I think. You’ll get a notification on the top of the screen when someone sends a PM.

If things are unclear just send a PM to @ moderators

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so for the record my first post is now in the ‘off topic’ category

So yes it is for right now, we’re figuring out which category it belongs to. We’ll probably place it back to cybersecurity for now and see if we need to make a new category later on.

EDIT: It’s back in cybersecurity now but will discuss with the other mods if we can come up with a better category.

EDIT2: moved to marketing

P.S. did you find out how to read a PM?

You’re starting to sound as a troll, if you know about this move you also know it was temporary (because I felt it simply wasn’t the right category) and that it has been changed to another category after we decided which was the right one. If you do want to point out your problems with the moderation as soon as you get the chance, please do it with the entire background and facts.

And you’re starting to sound like white noise to me…lol[quote=“Melvin, post:20, topic:6511”]
if you know about this move you also know it was temporary (because I felt it simply wasn’t the right category) and that it has been changed to another category after we decided which was the right one.
I see, so you thought it was in the wrong category so moved to another wrong category, whilst thinking about what the right category was…gotcha.
The right category being Meta I guess, which as with off-topic is the only other category hidden from front page, as of recently.[quote=“Melvin, post:20, topic:6511”]
If you do want to point out your problems with the moderation as soon as you get the chance, please do it with the entire background and facts.
Happier now? :smile:


Let’s not derail this discussion from the OP. I only wanted to point out that the move wasn’t made to hide it and it was temporary.

Don’t include me in the “let’s”, you again try to make out my post is a personal complaint about the mods - maybe just read what I said, address the content and dispute anything you want. I merely stated that the concern/complaint made by the poster, had also been made by others. Either state your issue with my post, as opposed to what you interpret it as or move my posts to Meta/Off-topic whilst you decide what to do about them again… :smile:


I concur with @Al_Kafir in this instance I’d say @Melvin is being overzealous. @Al_Kafir was just making an off hand comment in response to a bit o grumbling so a new member of the forum wouldn’t feel singled out. Not worth all this drama. If Melvin feels so strongly maybe he should start a new topic about the subject in meta or something and then move comments there. But really at this point the only thing derailing the conversation is this debate about moderation and whether or not Al Kafir is acting like a troll.


I only wanted to make clear that the post was moved temporarily, because I wasn’t sure if it was the right category. It’s something entirely different than what @AlKafir referred to here:

@alkafir: I fully understand your chagrin at having some of your critical posts unnecessarily moved to off-topic - it is something that has happened to others and been a cause for concern/complaint to others too - as you say it doesn’t give a good impression and has freedom of speech implications…ironic as you say. :smile:.

It’s important to make things clear when issues are explained wrong and that’s why I chose to do it right in the thread.

@Al_Kafir accused a mod of moving a reply to “off-topic” because that post was “critical”. As you can see in here @Melvin moved the post to a different category because it wasn’t clear to us where that post should be. As you can see in the edits made by @Melvin we discussed it and moved it to the category “Marketing”. This was all clear 21 hours ago.

So for @Al_Kafir to reply in the way he did, after all was sorted out already, without knowing the details, making false statements about us moving posts to off-topic for being critical is far from the truth. It also wasn’t in the right topic (this is) and the right category. We asked @Al_Kafir to stay in line with the Forum Guidelines for a number of times. But as you can see below he don’t want to talk with mods in META “about anything”.

Here’s the link to my reply.

So yes, we are a very open community, we like free speech. But when people start to falsely accuse others we act. Same for misquoting people, keep making the same points in different topics (opinion spamming) and more things that aren’t in line with the Forum Guidelines.

I did no such thing…you are the one making false accusations, which again demonstrates not only a very poor modding decision, but also again illustrates the ongoing dishonest arguing used.

Go on then!..
Every complaint I make about modding is both justified and evidenced.
Anyway, not going to get into another argument with the illegitimate army of self-appointed mods in this now Meta side room again. The very fact that you act this way, when warned by a number of users of the censorship/freedom of speech issues tells its own story…absolutely pathetic and a massive embarrassment imo, given the nature of the Project.

Yes you did, here it is. Want a screenshot as well??

I fully understand your chagrin at having some of your critical posts unnecessarily moved to off-topic - it is something that has happened to others and been a cause for concern/complaint to others too - as you say it doesn’t give a good impression and has freedom of speech implications…ironic as you say. :smile:

And the user you replied to doesn’t have ANY posts in off-topic. I just checked that again. Not a single one. This was the case way before you made this reply. So you made false accusations, wasn’t posting in the right topic and replied to facts that weren’t and still aren’t true. It was already sorted out hours before your reply as you can see in this topic.

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A screenshot doesn’t help - an explanation would be better…I know what I said…lol[quote=“anon40790172, post:18, topic:6516”]
I fully understand your chagrin at having some of your critical posts unnecessarily moved to off-topic
OK, let’s break it down for you. Where in this statement did I state that the “critical posts” were removed for being “critical”? It was also “unnecessary” as I correctly pointed out - unless of course you are arguing that moving to off-topic, prior to moving to Meta was a “necessary” step.[quote=“anon40790172, post:18, topic:6516”]
And the user you replied to doesn’t have ANY posts in off-topic. I just checked that again. Not a single one.
Not grasping your point again tbh. I can’t be arsed checking, but wasn’t it stated that they were moved to off-topic as a temporary measure, prior to moving to Meta (which is treated the same as off-topic in any case).[quote=“anon40790172, post:18, topic:6516”]
So you made false accusations
No…you did… :smile:[quote=“anon40790172, post:18, topic:6516”]
wasn’t posting in the right topic
Eh? I was replying directly to somebody…what you on about?[quote=“anon40790172, post:18, topic:6516”]
and replied to facts that weren’t and still aren’t true
What does this even mean? If I replied to an untrue “fact” (eh?.. :slightly_smiling:) in what way shape or form is that any kind of “offence” - I’m replying to somebody else’s untrue fact…lol[quote=“anon40790172, post:18, topic:6516”]
It was already sorted out hours before your reply as you can see in this topic.
What you on about - I replied to another user in a thread - what exactly is your problem here? No wonder you want to argue with me in side rooms… :smile:

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You state “it happened to others before” while talking about “some of your critical posts”. In other words, you say that some of her posts were moved off-topic for being critical. As I pointed out this is 100% not true. One post was moved temporarily to off-topic because it wasn’t clear in what category it should be. The right category was already found hours before your reply. You’re also talking about posts (multiple). Which implies several of her posts where moved to off-topic. Again, this is a false statement. As I pointed out, the user has no posts or replies in the “off-topic” category.

Your statement also implies that mods move topics to “off-topic” for being critical (“has happened to others” as you say). Which again is a false statement. You say that some of his posts could be interpreted as “trolling” but as you can see all the posts by this user are still there, which shows that we don’t move critical posts to off-topic for being critical.

I’m not surprised.

I’m done with this discussion. For any concerns use @ moderators

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Oooooo…what’s with the red text background…lol
In “other words”…bollocks…again, I said no such thing. Other words are other words - other than what I used you mean?
Yes, I said that it had happened to others - critical posts had been removed before which was a cause for concern for others - true fact (as opposed to an untrue fact… :smile: )[quote=“anon40790172, post:20, topic:6516”]
The right category was already found hours before your reply.
Yeah…well done boys…you got there eventually…still no idea what your point is - I was replying directly to another user and not paying attention to all the mod musical chairs goings on. I don’t even think it was mentioned on the thread that posts had been removed…may be wrong here, so not claiming anything.[quote=“anon40790172, post:20, topic:6516”]
You’re also talking about posts (multiple). Which implies several of his posts where moved to off-topic.
No - I was REPLYING to the person talking about “posts” (multiple). Are you really saying that I should somehow find which cupboard the mods have moved posts to, to check whether the person I was replying to meant “post” singular as opposed to posts (multiple).

No, again it is you making all the false accusations and statements and really scraping the bottom of the barrel in your ridiculous arguments.[quote=“anon40790172, post:20, topic:6516”]
As I pointed out, the user has no posts or replies in the “off-topic” category.
And?..We all know that - they were placed there temporarily, as has already been stated. What is your point?[quote=“anon40790172, post:20, topic:6516”]
Your statement also implies that mods move topics to “off-topic” for being critical (“has happened to others” as you say). Which again is a false statement.
Again, No…this itself is a false statement - it is a FACT that critical posts have been moved to off-topic - whether this was done BECAUSE they were critical is a completely different question and not one that I commented on either way.
You just continue with your straw man, dishonest arguments…it really is very obvious.[quote=“anon40790172, post:20, topic:6516”]
which shows that we don’t move critical posts to off-topic for being critical.
No, it doesn’t show that whatsoever. It shows you didn’t remove those particular comments for being critical. Again - a false conclusion… :smile:[quote=“anon40790172, post:20, topic:6516”]
For any concerns use @ moderators
Not a chance…lol…why on Earth would I raise concerns about a self organising “Tufty club” that believes it has the right to judge and moderate others to the Tufty club itself? You’re all just members of the Community who have pinned badges on themselves…you have absolutely no legitimacy for the positions you hold and I’ll take as much notice of you as you do me - your badge means sod all… :smile: