How to tell if my nodes are working as desired?

Dear Community, I have been running nodes for about 18hrs via launchpad on an old imac, now with ubuntu installed on it. Everything looks great, but no attos earned overnight. Yesterday morning, before I switched OS i had earned 15 or so overnight. How can I tell that everything is working properly?

Memory, Recs, Peers & Conns data all looks ok. Only the Attos column is full of zeroes.


Uploads are paused at the moment so you won’t see any Attos till they resume.

Uploads will hopefully resume soon :slight_smile:

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thanks. that would explain it then. :grinning:

just a coincidence that they paused at the same time i switched OS to something a lot lighter.

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Good you asked and didn’t start trying to roll back the is :slight_smile:

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