[How To]: Buy/Move/Store OMNI MAID :safe: hardware and software wallets

Unfortunately, not everyone has :rooster: to keep his treasure secureā€¦

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This is what I get on Firefox

I am not looking forward to downgrading the firmware on the Trezor

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Downgrade is very easy, Iā€™ve tested it several times. By the way, for this reason I keep a second Trezor on which I do not upgrade the firmware version ā€¦

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There is a fork at https://trezor.github.io/omni-trezor/ <---- Note the hyphen

Using Firefox this seems to work well and my balance is displayed as expected. I get the same issue as before on Brave where it wants to reinstall the bridge


One Model T was expensive enoughā€¦

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Well, thatā€™s why I use the One model. 2 One are better than one T :dragon:

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I installed the version prior to the one you listed. Seeing our MAID will not make a difference which version you have, because you canā€™t see it with the trezor wallet, anyway. You have to use omniexplorer.

That said, I have not viewed my balance since firmware upgrade.

Editā€¦oh, I see, you mean on omnitrezor. I have not checked that in a long time.


Glad you can see this. Encouraging.


Model T with Firmware version 2.1.8 working with OMNI Trezor.


Is we are in alpha version when is beta any body know :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Can MAID be stored on metamask?
Or is that the whole difference between OMNI and ERC20, with Metamask being the ERC20 version of Omniwallet?

No i mean omni-trezor The hyphen makes the difference.

No Metamask is only for ERC-20 coins . Metamask will never work with MAID on Omni. I look forward to using it if we do get an ERC20-MAID. Metamask works well with my Trezor but I never expected to see my MAID there - Or my BTCā€¦

I would be confident about upgrading to 2.3.6 firmware, providing you use Firefox.


In theory, thereā€™s no reason why Metamask canā€™t work like an omni-wallet and we see MAID thereā€¦ :wink:

My understanding is Metamask is only for ERC-20 assets but if it can be made to work then coolā€¦ but its going to have to connect to the BTC blockchain rather than the ETH blockchain.
But I expect BTC interoperability would be a far more urgent driver than MAID to make MetaMask work across the board, We have not seen this yet and frankly Iā€™d be surprised if we did. One wallet to hold them all (nearly).
To my shame I really know very little of the inner workings of the Omni protocol, cos Ive always been a MAID hodler and any Tx have been on an exchange or to my Trezor.
I understand Omni as being very similar to CounterParty, as a layer on top of the BTC blockchain and quite distinct from the Ethereum biosphere.

But everyday is a schoolday so please correct me if Im wrong.

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You can get binance tokens (not BEP2 though) to work on metamask, but the BSC was designed for ETH interoperability. However, you have to manually enter the network, and it doesnt interact with the ETH main net wallet.

Iā€™m sure this COULD be done for other chains as well, but donā€™t know if there is interest in doing this.

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Can MAID be stored on Bitcoin Core, on a bitcoin address?

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Yes. 10 chrs


Better to use Omni Core so youā€™ll actually be able to move the coins later