[How To]: Buy/Move/Store OMNI MAID :safe: hardware and software wallets

I just took the plunge and bought a Trezor with @Dimitar referral link.

They gave me a discount code for 10%
So anyone who wants it feel free to use it first come first served.


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Hi everyone,
Does it work to store safe if I do the following.

Create a Bitcoin seed wallet with the mobile client called „Bluewallet“ show an adress, transfer maid over there. Write the seed down and store it somewhere. Is this a good Procedere? Would be nice if I got it right :slight_smile: thank you

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Hi Gradin

I would definatley recommend you go back and study the first post in this thread @Dimitar has covered the safest options

Consensus seems to be that trezor hardware wallets are the safest way to store your maid

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Thank you for your reply, yes I agree that Trezor definitely is the way to go. But do you think the stated method above is a good way for experimenting with some maid tokens. Just to get some coins and see if everything works so far ? Dont want to buy a trezor just yet ^.^

So basically the question is, if its safe to just generate a btc seed and send some maid over to an address on that wallet ? Like from electrum or blue wallet, seems to be safe method to me :slight_smile:

I believe it will be ok so long as you can extract the private key for the address from your wallet. I don’t know that particular wallet do can’t comment on it specifically.

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Ah okay that sucks a bit, thought its also possible by just using the seed ^.^

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I will test it. In 2-3 days I will generate seed with Bluewallet and I will try to put it directly in my Trezor. I will write you the result :dragon:

Privacy. Security. Freedom

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Pretty sure you should be able to use the seed in Omni Core

Thank you, looking forward to it.

What is omnicore ? Do you need to run a bitcoin full node to utilize it ? :thinking:

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Yes, it is a fork of Bitcoin core that has support for the Omni protocol


I’ve sent some maid from my trezor to bittrex. Sent more than 48 hrs ago but nothing in bittrex. I chose the lowest priority - was this a mistake? (read it may have been orphaned whatever that is and may not be credited to my bittrex address automatically). Sorry I’m a cheapskate - had no idea there was extra hassle other than time involved in priority, wasn’t in any hurry so just seemed common sense.

I’m now trying to confirm the transaction and embarrassingly don’t know how. On the transaction tab in trezor I copied the 34 characters (address i think) to the right of the time and searched on blockchain.com. Blockchain say the address has been used 3 times (Iv’e only sent maid to trezor twice - and now have attempted to withdraw maid to trezor, hence I guess the 3 transactions noted).

And the amount sent and received is almost my full balance leaving a negligible current balance of a few cents worth.

I definitely don’t understand what is going on. :weary:

Two pertinent questions stick out though, pretty please

  1. have I done anything wrong exposing that address to blockchain.com?

  2. why is my maid not showing in bittrex after 2 days - too low a priority? What should I be using?

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You copied the transaction number. This is not a problem, it is already public. Copy and paste the transaction number on this site to see if it is confirmed:

Privacy. Security. Freedom


there are two transaction numbers (are these addresses as well? - the one which relates to the maid sent out of trezor is the same as my bittrex wallet address, the intended destination)

Neither are showing on omni explorer as anything, not confirmed or unconfirmed.

Not sure what I should be seeing, I know I must be missing something, getting my head around.

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Just checking again, the second transaction (30 minutes after the original instruction/ transaction) is a positive balance - ie balance is in green and an addition. My balance looks like it has gone down what I sent to bittrex but I have been returned $0.58 in the most recent transaction - the one 30 minutes after the first.

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Quick question, do you use this site to make the transaction:


Privacy. Security. Freedom

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no…I don’t think I have been there. The site I used was

Should I be using the githib one instead?

thanks for trying to help

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Well, this explains the mystery… :lol:

You didn’t send MAID - you only sent bitcoin. Use the github site to send MAID :dragon:

Privacy. Security. Freedom


ok thanks :flushed: i knew i had done something wrong.

So the bitcoin I sent to my maid address in bittrex, is it possibly recoverable through a support ticket?

I have scrolled to your top post just now. Apologies it’s clearly written to go there! Should have read again just assumed sending the btc in trezor to the maid address at bittrex would translate (since it’s all showing in btc anyway).

Will send again. And another lesson learnt :joy:


Open a trouble ticket with the support - your money is there, the question is whether they will want to add it to your account …

I will not tell you how many such lessons I have learned in the last 7 years. Literally at today’s prices I have burned tens of thousands of dollars in bitcoin and eth… :happyant:

Privacy. Security. Freedom

:sweat_smile:I hear you even though I’ve not been you.

Well I won’t hold my breath for bittrex but will give it a shot.

thanks for the patient help!

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