[How To]: Buy/Move/Store OMNI MAID :safe: hardware and software wallets

So far I’m at 5 people in the last two week just small purchases I’m trying to keep it as simple as posible to get them onboard.

And the idea of starting to go on about seeds and passphrases would probabley be off putting.

Has anyone got any reason to believe that paper wallets from bitaddrsses.org made offline for cold storage are a bad idea?

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Yea that is a good path. I think as long as you air gap it and check the SHA256??(not sure of the exact name) that is the best way. Just remember to save extra copies of the key. I had an electronic device fail with all my keys…I had to fall back to my hand written keys…thankfully they worked!!!


In general, there is no problem to use GitHub - pointbiz/bitaddress.org: JavaScript Client-Side Bitcoin Wallet Generator

I gave such wallets with MAID to friends 7 years ago and they have not been hacked yet.

The danger is that someone will hack the github site and change the code. If you have your own Trezor, you can generate many individual seeds on it. Write down the bitcoin addresses for each individual seed and use them completely offline, and if one day MAID makes x10-100, your people will be able to buy a Trezor and insert the seed words in it and dispose of their money without risk the entire amount and have to move it to a new cold wallet.

Privacy. Security. Freedom

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I have it air gapped on tails Linux distro for generating the wallets and give them two copies with a lecture about separate locations etc

I’m going to buy a trezor for myself to have a look at since everyone is recommending them


Your a genius @Dimitar that sounds like the perfect solution.

I don’t need to get them to buy trezor or learn about them i just generate a new wallet and new seed and give them the seed.

Perfect offline storage


I’m not a genius, I just gave a lot of MAID to many people :dragon:

By the way, if you give MAID as a gift, always keep a copy of the keys / seed with you. Some people are totally irresponsible to things they receive for free and have not bought with their own money…

Privacy. Security. Freedom

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The issue is that it is difficult to spend from them without bringing the keys online. But if it is small amounts that’s not much of a concern.


They were not intended for any form of regular use just for hodling

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What @drehb is trying to tells you is that you have three points of danger:

  • generating the keys;
  • the key storage;
  • use of the keys.

It will be extremely sad for you to enter The 112 Club and have your money stolen at the third point of danger when you decide to use them.

That’s why the solution with seed words from Trezor is good, because in the last point of danger you keep the security without making unnecessary expenses at the beginning.

Privacy. Security. Freedom

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I’d been aware that the week point was trying to bring the private keys into say omni wallet to use them.

Is it posible to import an already existing private key into a trezor?

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This is the idea of ​​having a seed, if you lose / destroy your Trezor with the seed words you restore the same private keys to a new Trezor or software wallet.

Privacy. Security. Freedom

I know about the seed in trezor what I was meaning was can a private key generated on say bitaddresses.org be imported into a trezor to transfer coins out of that wallet without puting the private key online to the likes of omni wallet?

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Sorry I didn’t understand the question at first. I am not familiar with this, you will have to look for information…

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No, you’d need to setup an offline Armory signing machine to get similar security as a hardware wallet.

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What are the chances that money gets stolen at this third point? I mean I have offline wallets too but my biggest fear is messing up the transfer to trezor.

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The chances of you having a problem are negligible. The chance of someone having a problem is small - but from a 17k address it is possible for someone to have a problem. If it’s millions of dollars you don’t want to risk it…

Privacy. Security. Freedom

Ok yea that makes sense. But trezor is 100% safe though? I feel like there would small risks with this too.

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Let’s see step by step:

  • generating the keys;

:ballot_box_with_check: The first and respectively the longest used hardware wallet on the market. Open source. Tested over and over again with millions of dollars. With built-in physical chip for generation of randomness.

  • the key storage;

:ballot_box_with_check: There are attempts to hack it, but they are only physical, ie. are not via the Internet remotely + if you add an additional password when generating the seed and the physical hacking is impossible.

  • use of the keys.

:ballot_box_with_check: There is a screen where you can see what you are signing, ie. even if your computer is hacked and malicious software changes the address to which you send money you will see it on the screen of the Trezor, ie. you just have to be careful.

Privacy. Security. Freedom

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Ok I appreciate the info. Is there a specific trezor model I should use?

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I like Trezor One because it’s small and fits in my wallet + it’s cheaper and I got two :dragon:

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