How do one make a comnet now?

I get this

error: The following required arguments were not provided:


For more information try --help
Switching to 'mynet' network...
   0: No network with name 'mynet' was found in the config. Please use the networks 'add'/'set' subcommand to add it


Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.

when I try to launch the first node with:
/home/smooth/.safe/node/sn_node --first --local-addr '':12000 --public-addr '':12000 --skip-auto-port-forwarding --root-dir '/home/smooth/.safe/node/local_node00/' --log-dir '/home/smooth/.safe/node/local_node00/


do I need to add a set command? but how to add if its the --first?

I tried safe networks add mynet ~/.safe/cli/config.json
safe networks switch mynet

but it says that I need to use add/ set

safe networks set mynet instead of switch I get also error about that set is not recognised and maybe I wanted to say sections? any help please?

seems like the generated config.json doesnt propagate correctly

cat ~/.safe/cli/config.json

I think I am getting somewhere, found the contacts!

cat ~/.safe/node/local_node00/section_tree 
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ok found the solution:

you do:

safe networks add mynet <root_dir>/section_tree
safe networks switch mynet

I cannot safe file put test.txt?

What is the error msg?
How many nodes are connected?

no error message, its 15 nodes with genesis, it just hangs!

hot to check how many are connected?

on Ubuntu, open system monitor and go to the Processes tab. Count the no of sn_node processes running. Check total disk write column.

Or ps aux |grep sn_node and count the lines. You could pipe that into wc -l but you need to subtract one for the grep process itself


well only genesis is running… weird


Make sure that you have deleted all the dirs in ~/.safe/node/local_node00 and try again.

Watch as it starts and make sure you see all the nodes initialising.

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it wants --network-contacts-file

what do I type next to that?

found this gem

so I guess its there

also here is how to start the nodes

Southside now the sn_node are 14, all nodes do nothing in the trace logs,

Running sn_node v0.66.2
[2022-08-29T23:48:14.567705Z DEBUG sn_node::node::monitoring::load_sampling] num physical cores: 6
[2022-08-29T23:48:14.573098Z INFO sn_node::node::node_starter] c93998.. Bootstrapping as a new node.
[2022-08-29T23:48:14.573871Z DEBUG sn_node::comm/bootstrap] Starting bootstrap process with bootstrap nodes: []
[2022-08-29T23:48:14.574597Z DEBUG sn_node::node::monitoring] Load sample LoadAvg { one: 3.3333333333333335, five: 3.3333333333333335, fifteen: 3.3333333333333335 }
[2022-08-29T23:48:14.574610Z DEBUG sn_node::node::monitoring::event_rates] Load per cmds 0.013333333333333334 (1 [time unit] moving avg)
[2022-08-29T23:48:14.574614Z DEBUG sn_node::node::monitoring::event_rates] Max cmds per s 1125.0 (1 [chosen period] moving avg)
[2022-08-29T23:48:14.574618Z DEBUG sn_node::node::monitoring::event_rates] Load per msgs 0.006666666666666667 (1 [time unit] moving avg)
[2022-08-29T23:48:14.574620Z DEBUG sn_node::node::monitoring::event_rates] Max msgs per s 2250.0 (1 [chosen period] moving avg)

and only genesis is repeating

[2022-08-29T23:50:13.773445Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:13.773579Z TRACE sn_node] Node event! 2022-08-29T23:50:13.773400381+00:00: Started id: 986, parent: None prio: 20, queued for 0 ms. Cmd: SendMsg
[2022-08-29T23:50:13.773597Z TRACE sn_node] Node event! 2022-08-29T23:50:13.773566855+00:00: Finished id: 986, prio: 20, Cmd: SendMsg
[2022-08-29T23:50:13.874791Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:13.975018Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:14.076216Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:14.177442Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:14.278649Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:14.379881Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:14.481070Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:14.540477Z TRACE sn_node::node::logging/log] (Prefix()): Node resource usage: Process { memory: 45276, virtual_memory: 101023744, cpu_usage: 0.06669445, disk_usage: DiskUsage { total_written_bytes: 1720320, written_bytes: 24576, total_read_bytes: 1753088, read_bytes: 0 } }
[2022-08-29T23:50:14.582829Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:14.683015Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:14.784194Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:14.885402Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:14.986583Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:15.087053Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:15.188249Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:15.289455Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:15.390687Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:15.491856Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:15.593087Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:15.694269Z INFO sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::periodic_checks] Starting to check the section's health
[2022-08-29T23:50:15.694443Z TRACE sn_node::node::messaging::service_msgs] ServiceMsgToBeHandled Query(DataQuery { variant: GetChunk(ChunkAddress(dfad5b(11011111)..)), adult_index: 0 })
[2022-08-29T23:50:15.694462Z TRACE sn_node::node::data::records] DataQueryReceviedAtElder preparing to query adults for data at Chunk(ChunkAddress(dfad5b(11011111)..)) with op_id: OpId-564162..
[2022-08-29T23:50:15.694491Z TRACE sn_node::node::data::records] Chunk holders of dfad5b(11011111).. are non-full adults: {} and full adults: {}
[2022-08-29T23:50:15.694500Z DEBUG sn_node::node::data::records] No targets found for MsgId(ae52..d886)
[2022-08-29T23:50:15.694551Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:15.694666Z TRACE sn_node::comm/send/send_to_one] Sending message (643 bytes, msg_id: MsgId(93f5..13b4)) to Peer { name: b23c7c(10110010).., addr: }
[2022-08-29T23:50:15.694696Z TRACE sn_node] Node event! 2022-08-29T23:50:15.694525165+00:00: Started id: 987, parent: None prio: 19, queued for 0 ms. Cmd: SendMsg
[2022-08-29T23:50:15.795841Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:15.896014Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:15.997185Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:16.098596Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:16.199784Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:16.299998Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:16.401196Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:16.502419Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:16.603612Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:16.704823Z DEBUG sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::periodic_checks] Going to health check elders
[2022-08-29T23:50:16.704847Z INFO sn_node::node::core] ProbeMsg target our section Prefix() recipients {Peer { name: b23c7c(10110010).., addr: }}
[2022-08-29T23:50:16.704857Z TRACE sn_node::node::messaging::system_msgs] SendToNodes: AntiEntropyProbe(PublicKey(05c9..8c7a))
[2022-08-29T23:50:16.704988Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:16.705127Z TRACE sn_node::comm/send/send_to_one] Sending message (608 bytes, msg_id: MsgId(8147..fa96)) to Peer { name: b23c7c(10110010).., addr: }
[2022-08-29T23:50:16.705156Z TRACE sn_node::node::core] Logging issue AwaitingProbeResponse in dysfunction for b23c7c..
[2022-08-29T23:50:16.705170Z TRACE sn_node] Node event! 2022-08-29T23:50:16.704900526+00:00: Started id: 989, parent: None prio: 20, queued for 0 ms. Cmd: SendMsg
[2022-08-29T23:50:16.705183Z TRACE sn_node] Node event! 2022-08-29T23:50:16.704957523+00:00: Started id: 988, parent: None prio: 9, queued for 0 ms. Cmd: TrackNodeIssueInDysfunction b23c7c(10110010).., AwaitingProbeResponse
[2022-08-29T23:50:16.705187Z TRACE sn_node] Node event! 2022-08-29T23:50:16.705162029+00:00: Finished id: 988, prio: 9, Cmd: TrackNodeIssueInDysfunction b23c7c(10110010).., AwaitingProbeResponse
[2022-08-29T23:50:16.806395Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:16.907580Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:17.008791Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily
[2022-08-29T23:50:17.108979Z TRACE sn_node::node::flow_ctrl::cmd_ctrl] Empty queue, waiting 100ms to not loop heavily

and of course put failed

safe files put test.txt 
   0: ClientError: Failed to stablish a connection with node Peer { name: b23c7c(10110010).., addr: }: timed out.
   1: Failed to stablish a connection with node Peer { name: b23c7c(10110010).., addr: }: timed out.


Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.
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OK - what happens if you do a “vanilla” safe node run-baby-fleming with the latest release?

I think I did it with latest and work great!


Fixing my garage roof so I am pretty much AFK for now.

Trying not to fall through corrugated asbestos sheeting demands full concentration.

@SmoothOperatorGR How are you getting on?

I have had to stop for the evening cos I lost the chuck key for the drill - again :frowning:

Going to eat and then address myself to SAFE things. - After a day of doing unsafe things at height over fragile asbestos sheeting.


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