How do I allocated more storage for nodes?

When running the launchpad, I’m able to start 2 nodes (Using 70GB of 88GB available), but I have over 600gb free on my hard drive - any idea how i can allocate more space for nodes, or why it seems to be trying to limit me to so little of my actual available space?


Hey @Samuel_Owens! I’m glad you’ve got your first nodes started and connected!

Each node has a fixed maximum size, which should average out at around 40gb per nodes as the network fills up.

If you want to provide more storage, just spin up more nodes until you are comfortable with your storage commitment. Hope that helps!


Go to node options, ctrl-d and change to your HDD with 600gb


It says I’m on that drive…

But then when I go to manage nodes I see this…

You must have a full hard drive, with only 88gb remaining. Or your not hitting enter button when selecting that drive. You may need to reset everything.

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Looks like I just needed to restart everything and now it sees all the extra space - thanks!