#Being first
Satoshi released Bitcoin to the world ready to go almost, Peercoin got in on the Proof of Stake mechanism first and now Nxt and Ethereum are competing to be the first to turing completeness.
#Copy culture
One of the defining things of the crypto-coin landscape is that all these coins are being copied from each other, Litecoin copied almost all of Bitcoin, Nxt takes ideas from Peercoin, etc…
The SafeNetwork needs to start inspiring confidence and live code needs to be online yesterday. The idea of a distributed file storage running on top of Ethereum is already being planned as an app and it’s possible that Ethereum will launch with this ability. The SafeNetwork might take many months to be workable but I see problems if Ethereum gets there first.
Once the testnet (maidsafe) launches many people in the Ethereum community will look to your code and network as a base to advance their efforts. If Ethereum launches and we have not progressed to final product, we may find ourselves being copied away and left in the dust.
I feel that their is a lot of talk in this community with no code running live in the world. Ethereum has had several test networks and Nxt is already mature. How do we plan to compete?
I feel that people have a low confidence in the Maidsafe network, this can be seen in the low price of the current maidsafecoin. Is there any real progress being made? Here I see conceptual talk about a possible idea.
I really hope our network is online soon.