A few of you may know that there is a new competitor to google up and coming - Presearch.
It’s a decentralised search engine with a model that allows users to earn the native PRE token just for searching. The revenue coming from ad placement. It is in an early phase but has 2 million+ users - mostly early tech adopters looking for alternatives, so you have a suitable crowd to appeal to for Safe.
Presearch already has fully operational addons for adding presearch to all major browsers and it’s own android app, all of which I highly recommend.
Their model allows for ‘staking’ keywords, whereby if you do as I have done and stake the word ‘network’ a single ad appears at the top of every search that uses the word ‘network’. I have linked my ad to the Safe Network website Roadmap page. It is a reflection on the status of this project that the ‘latest update’ on this page is from March 2020 (one that strikes at the heart of most of the debates on the forum ref engineering vs marketing).
If you’d like to assist in this effort (driving traffic to the safe network website) or you have a better idea for landing pages - as a group we can start staking the keywords on the rapidly growing presearch engine. It requires staking some of the native PRE token to your chosen keyword - you can be outbid at any time if someone assigns more tokens to the keyword - but in my experience, for now, you can get mighty useful keywords cheaply - and when you are outbid, your pre tokens remain your own so you don’t lose them. I have also noted that good keywords generate click throughs pretty well.
Until June 2021, to speed adoption, their roadmap is for ads driven from keywords staked on presearch to be FREE, after that the mechanics will change.
Whether you find this useful or not as a strategy, I still recommend Presearch to everyone as a default search provider, the results are far superior to other alternatives to google in my experience, and the browser comes with loads of other search engines (inc google) loaded as a single click to switch to the results if you want to see what the same search would have given you on other engines.
There is obviously the potential for PRE tokens to lose value, as for any token, but their project seems timely and is undergoing rapid growth so have a poke around with it and try it out. Type in the word ‘network’ and see my ad for safe network appear! Maybe people here can stake a few keywords, or just suggest good keywords for those who do want to stake.
In closing I will add that I found it difficult to know where to direct traffic for Safe Network as a landing page. I dearly hope that sotros25 is taken seriously. I would add that if David is 100% focussed on launching the platform, he should be enabled to do so and encouraged to find someone else senior to routinely post on the forum, releasing him to focus on the senior management aspects, coding and engineering side without interruptions, distractions and endless forum debates on topics outside of / parallel to the network launch issues.
Find it here: https://www.presearch.io/