The network will not care about the price of safecoin, the farmers will though and they will either add a resource or remove it depending on how they “value” it economically. Many farmers will not care (like Skype users did not) and many will focus on economics IMHO.
The network will respond immediately to any resource added or removed from the network. Well immediately on removal of a resource and gradually on addition of a resource (at first churn event) so almost immediately.
So a farmer may get 1 SC per hour and be OK then way too many farmers are offering service and it will be 1 SC per 10 hours (say). Alternatively if farmers are reducing then it will be a SC per 30 mins then 15 mins etc. so the network only balances out resources against demand and no more. The price does not matter really, but indirectly it affects the farmers in so much that it is the farmer who can say “this SC payment is too little or more than enough etc.”
It is worth remembering we are trying to make farming at minimum shared “unused” resource so the economic cost of farming on a commodity computer (your computer you use for working) should be as close to zero as possible, then any payment may seem like a plus.
This is why the space should be the cheapest possible price to purchase. Even with the crowdsale % this will be fine, it’s not a 10% tax as the crowdsale folks will sell SC eventually and they become part of the recycle machine. They should merge back into the ecosystem over time. They definitely should be rewarded as without them this is all for nought, same with MaidSafe original investors. Worth noting MaidSafe original investors does not mean MaidSafe the company or staff, it gets nothing from these returns, it’s like the crowdsale folks they get the return for putting up the capital.
The tax part if you like will be app dev / PtP, code dev rewards and these are test values at the moment. Maybe none will work properly and get removed or maybe the method of reward will change over time, but the intent surely has to be good. Reward actual provable goods and services. So really I feel if we can get a system that at least works in the digital world first then we can see if it can extend to a wider catchment area.
For instance say we get the core code to it’s absolute minimum number of types etc. so close to perfect (ha) then core dev payments may near vanish as there is less maintenance required (fast written (just works) code is messy and needs lots of maintenance, i.e. Google replace 50% code per month, we can do better).
Then maybe core dev payments will look more like app dev and pay a % for new features that go to zero over time for each new feature (like compute) (they cannot stay at a flat rate forever or we are in copyright type market which has failed).
Early Saturday morning (well for me, last night was a late one) so please forgive typos as usual