Dynamic Land - stepping back and challenging assumptions

Hello fellow fans of democratisation and empowering everyone. I have something I’d like to share that isn’t directly about Autonomi or recent events, but for me is one of the benefits of having stepped back.

Apart from catching up on some boat maintenance, I’ve been enjoying time thinking more widely about a better online ecosystem alongside researching other p2p projects. I’ve also been realising I need to challenge a lot of the assumptions I have about what is needed and how to deliver it and I offer you a mind-blowing demo video that can help do just that.

Bret who presents the video did a lot of early Apple UI research and design - but what he has been up to since Apple is off the scale.

Beware - watching this might change how you think about computers!

Watch the six minute intro video on the home page below.

I have no idea what if anything I can do with this but it looks at least as revolutionary as Safe Network ever did.

So much p2p and decentralising activity is about replicating ‘less bad’ versions of what VC’s have built to exploit and extract value from us. Ideas about what’s good now are still framed in the VC mindset of competition (e.g. how many users this or that gets).

So there’s a danger we just build things that are a bit less harmful, could well still foster atrophy rather than amplify and empower us. Maybe there are things we want where scaling isn’t a good thing for example. I guess that my sensing Autonomi are increasingly following a harmful path at the expense of what I saw as it’s ‘amplifying’ characteristics is one of the things that has lead me to feel terribly sad every time I think about where it is now going.

So I will continue to learn and challenge my own ideas even more, and to ask if any approach or app really amplifies those using it, or causes them to atrophy.


I say implement Autonomi node/client in Realtalk!

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But it seems we’d have to meet them in person to learn about it…

why Dynamicland Realtalk isn’t open source

So, we have a lot of hesitation about putting anything on the internet
basically, so we put most of our outreach into in-person things—getting
people to come in and actually be face to face with us. Learning from each
other face to face is so different from learning from each other on the

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This presentation is 43mins and possibly the most innovative thing in computing since the Microprocessor unleashed computing on the masses and created the software industry.

This could literally bring computing literacy to the masses in the way the teaching everyone to read and write brought a world of knowledge and new ways to discuss and create to everyone.

43 minute presentation by Bret Victor (ex Apple UI/UX specialist):


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