Agree 100%, the other part is the time to do a task, say make safecoin available. In the API for instance safecoin is type 7 as an example. If the low level API is available (which is happening) we can say use type 7 and that’s test safecoin, it will take a few minutes for a dev to create a type 7 structuredData. No farming. So how long for farm rate calculation, well we did that previously (but moved a couple of types away that were used). That was about a mornings work.
So why the hassle with times?
It’s down to priorities, this may mean, CRUST and utp is underperforming to the state the network won’t hold? Quick resources all go to CRUST.
Then we send to large messages in routing from vaults => rouces charge that way, forget making structuredData API available.
And on it goes, openness is screwed and mixed up with a theoretical, but it only takes 6 hours to get safecoin in API, or 4 hours for load balance of farming rates etc.
Then I personally get pulled into management of funds and business tings, so again the time is out.
Then of course optimism, this is where I fail as I see a task and want it done. I fail to see delays as I push through them myself. Not everyone does, but many of our Engineers definitely also do this, much better than me.
So to speed up lower level stuff, make a client testnet available, that works fine. So we can switch on safecoin API, yes, but the resources are in lower levels.
So every turn is resource bound, that will be alleviated now a we have increased and will accelerate recruitment again
In terms of timescales we can give task estimates (tasks in roadmap in order, not immediately to be worked on, as there is an order), but the problem seems always skewed by resource allocation or re-allocation and that’s just life I think. This is why recently we even more aggressively do not timeline roadmaps etc. but instead focus on what we are doing per week. The progress is great, but much of it is so low level right now folks cannot see it and we can’t spend to much time explaining it.
That is changing now though and next few months then should see improvements. There will be moves that everyone will see to also alleviate this very soon (next few weeks).