It is really interesting. And hopefully reinforces my point.
If I’m a noob and I want to make that my first post because I come at this from a crypto pov and I think it’s an interesting thing to share, then what happens to my (valuable?) content and the potential for me to join the community dialogue, forge relationships and develop trust for people here? Let’s run through what happens to a lot of people. … I try to post in the appropriate topic. I get denied. I don’t like that, it feels like this project is censoring stuff because they’re scared of something. Ok, I’ll try to post in the lounge then. Hmm, what happened. Oh my post has been moved to off-topic. Now I really don’t like this place. No one views the post, no one comments. How many people get to the next stage from there?
Shutting doors is great for keeping trolls out, it keeps a lot of others out too though, in all kinds of subtle ways.