Discussion about reforming/replacing the current modding system. Part 1 – Genesis

You want to change things to the way you like it. And that’s fine. But to reach that goal, you start off with a number of false statements and incorrect facts. It’s almost hard to count them all:

Not correct.

Not correct. @frabrunelle offered to do this and you even liked his post when he volunteered.

Not correct. We have 9 admins/mods and nobody is allowed to take a decision on who is “allowed to stay on the forum” on it’s own. If we do suspend users it’s always in full consensus after a long conversation (except for spam accounts).

Not correct. The role for admin was even offered to the community (you even replied to that topic). Look at this topic called “The future of this forum”. @frabrunelle offered to do it and you and 11 others liked his post. At that time the forum was quite small, not that many users yet. This is what he actually said:

Here’s the link. And again, you even liked his post. What more “apparent Community input or direction” do you want next to giving him a personal thumbs up both as Admin and Moderator?

Again not correct, all the last mods were introduced using the Forum Updates. When @neo was introduced in in a Forum Update we received 21 likes for the topic. We also said in that same topic: "When it comes to moderation a discussion was started in this topic". So we pointed to all discussion, introduced a new mod, got likes from all over the community and not a single complaint to @ moderators. Same for this topic introducing 2 new mods at once. 23 likes to be precise.

I could go on and show more incorrect statements. But it’s Friday night, and I not feel like doing so. I’ve exposed them here with links so all other users who want can check the facts. It’s really hard to understand for me why you keep making stuff up in trying to reach your goals. Maybe it’s a great idea to just enjoy this forum and come up with a great proposal in a fair and honest way. Just something to think about maybe.