Dependencies for operation

Hi, so I just got to thinking about dependencies for MaidSafe. What kind of infrastructure does it assume or support?


etc… Basically, here’s what I am asking: How can a government push maidsafe out of its country? What needs to be shuttered in order for maidafe to be purged, and how might we stop those interventions from being effective?

It supports
Utp (connection oriented udp)
All data through these is encrypted with authenticated public key encryption Authenticated encryption - libsodium

[edit] I should add it uses tcp and udp hole punching and will attempt upnp etc. port mapping, this is going into our nat_traversal crate
Hope that helps


Honestly @faddat, this is why I love the Network. There’s almost nothing that can be done to completely stop it.

However, the Network has a pretty heavy dependency on bandwidth. So if that’s limited either by state actors or corporations, then the Network will have a hard time gaining traction and mass adoption.

If you’ve seen the picture of the MaidSafe stack, then you know that the Network relies on everything underlying the IP layer - aka OSI layer 2 and some of layer 3. There’s not much any kind of malicious actor can do - regardless of their power or influence - to shut that down without disrupting the entire clearnet. And as that has risen to great predominance in this age, it would be hopeless for them to do so without terrific backlash.

This one of the great things about the Network - once it gets going, it can’t be stopped - as you are thinking about now - by outside actors. Which is why I’m very anxious to get it launched. Get the initial connections running first and build from there.


This is making me think that my neighborhood fiber self-install kit is a good idea.


What do you think? I could realize it without effecting Klouds, as I am not (not much of anyway) a coder. Here’s the use-case for the thing, I was actually thinking with N America in mind, as @Blindsite2k was mentioning, internet access in the US/Canada can be really terrible. Basically the kit would have everything needed for a neighborhood to do a fully DIY 1gbps or 10gbps (pricing differences, obviously) network installation. Now, this still means that they have an upstream dependency, but it pushes the dependency a level back.

Larger neighborhoods would be able to lay faster fiber. This is actually inspired by some articles I read about communities in the north of the UK who weren’t otherwise served and so went out and made their own networks.


I believe that this indeed cannot be restricted to telcos - not in the spirit of the free market anyways.

I also believe that this is too small an undertaking for an individual, as well as not impactful enough.

I believe that it should be community-driven. However, the size of the community required is variable and up for debate.

However, these are only my beliefs.

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I’m just talking about the network kit. Here’s the concept overall:

1000m of cable
A head-end box
Modems for each household

And a guide to digging / stringing your own network. As for the one person part-- totally-- the concept is to create something that communities use, not just an individual. The kitOne person can’t make the kit, but one can design it and put it on kickstarter and help get the concept off the ground.

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Are you not then creating a one point of failure for the group.

The SAFE network relies on the connection to the wider network, otherwise your neighbourhood would just be a isolated mini network that is not a part of the global network.

So the point of failure could isolate your neighbourhood and after a little while will be in a state that will not connect back to the global network without restarting each node. The failure could be the house with the interconnect simply unplugs it. (kids, power, evicted, fire, etc) At least when the typical person loses internet they do not have enough nodes for a mini network and simply restarts (automatically?) their node on reconnection. But if the mini-network is large enough then people could be storing data that will be lost when reconnecting to the global network since it was never store on the global network.

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I don’t think you’re quite getting the purpose of the kit:

Networks connect to networks, you know. The idea is to build resilient multi-connection networks of the type that cannot be built by anyone other than the inhabitants of a piece of land. Maybe I’m doing a bad job of expressing it… I’ll try and do better and post a link sometime :).