Hi Everyone,
Last week was an incredibly busy and productive time and we are expecting more of the same this coming week. We spent much of last week working in Crust (the SAFE Network’s transport layer) and today we are looking to implement a local Crust network in the office. All things going well we will roll out routing and vault networks later this week. In addition, the installers are now functionally complete and are in testing.
Those of you diligently following our progress will remember that our aim at the end of the current sprint, which finishes at the end of this week, is to implement a TCP (only clients will be able to connect with this network initially, vaults will be enable to connect once UTP/UDT has been added to Crust) network running on Digital Ocean droplets, with self-authentication and self-encryption. We are also hoping to enable the Put and Get of simple chunks by implementing a few interfaces directly from routing.
During last week, several of the core libraries went beyond version 0.1.0 and those of you with a curious disposition will have noticed the ferocious amount of activity on [David’s Git repositories] (dirvine (dirvine) / Repositories · GitHub). As per our update last week these will be migrated to the company repositories once the current sprint ends.
Next week we will enter another planning phase as we figure out what parts of the network we turn our attention to next and these will be the focus for the next sprint. One part of the system that will be getting some attention will be the transport layer (Crust) where we will be looking to implement additional protocols, which as mentioned above, will allow vaults outside a single local network to be added to the test network.
So, now that we are just over 50% through the sprint I’m pleased to confirm that we are still on track to achieve our pretty aggressive objectives for this iteration. Everyone at MaidSafe continues to do a great job under considerable pressure and by remaining laser focussed on our goals we will continue progress the roll out of the network at an ever increasing velocity. It’s going to be an exciting ride!
That’s it from me, click here to read the dev update transcript. Now, some additional thoughts from David….
From my viewpoint the change in organisation has been nothing less than revolutionary as targets are defined, planned and then simply executed with overall structure constantly under scrutiny. This change is already increasing development pace to something that we thought was not possible. That sounds exaggerated, but it’s fast, iterative and very focussed on deliverables.
To that end, here is this weeks library/application to focus on; self_encryption. This is as you know is a key component of the network and as you will see from the readme, it’s ready for use now. We have a few small things to add (nmap for large files, threading for speed and compression), but none of this changes the API. The library includes a very simple example app with instructions for playing with the code. So please feel free to dive in and improve your coding skills and our core code
So what can you so with this?
1: Encrypt files and safely store chunks on any cloud platform
2: Use in a small program to de-duplicate your filesystem and encrypt all files
3: Add in a self-authentication system (from maidsafe_client perhaps) and store session data in a key value store
So where can you store chunks?
Any key value store from a hard disk to cloud providers to an actual DHT or key value store, redis, SQL database, or anything you want. All you need to do is implement the trait
for get and put chunks. This is all in the documentation which is here.
Of course any questions or help then please don’t hesitate.