I would like to propose a de-centralised fact checking platform built on MaidSafe. I would call it Sentinel. " Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" - or Who guards the Guards. I’m fed up with so-called fact checking websites that are themselves captured and are funded by those with an agenda. Sentinel would be a bit like Gab, which allows commenting on any content on the web, but instead fact-checking any content on the web.
The idea would be to enable fact-checking users to snapshot any text content on the internet into Maid storage and then markup statements as opinion, logical fallacies (List of fallacies - Wikipedia), or backed with evidence. Users would also be able then attach links to supporting/contradicting evidence, the evidence type and quality (eg. anecdote, randomised controlled trial, meta-analysis of multiple RCTs).
Fact-checking consumers would be to be able to run a plug-in over the top of their browser to auto-highlight text in different colours based upon the fact-checking data - opinion and evidence backed statements, and logical fallacy type arguments. Evidence based statements would be expandable so that users could explore the evidence stack on both sides of the argument for themselves.
The snapshot could then look at the truth of statements made at the time of publication and also currently in light of newer evidence that was unavailable when initially published.
The safe network would be a really great backing layer to make this indelible and hard to shutdown.
Please share your thoughts, comments and suggestions for this idea. Would you like to see it built? What would we need to do to create an mvp?