So I’ve kicked this idea around for a bit now, both on this forum and on the dev forum, but it seems like it might a good idea to establish a Safe Network knowledge base or community wiki of some sort. I’m making this post for two reasons. One is to get a gauge of interest. The other is to pose some questions about logistics and what the best way to go about it might be.
- Yes
- No
0 voters
- Yes - core dev topics
- Yes - dApp dev topics
- Yes - user topics
- Yes - related project topics
- Yes - other
- No
0 voters
The information on the Safe Network right now is mainly housed on this forum. For evidence of this, just take a look at mega threads like how to buy MAID and best farming hardware.. Beyond this, there’s also the Network Primer and the CLI User Guide. And don’t forget the Dev Forum… And the Safe Network Tech website… Weekly Updates… Weekly update translations… And the weekly marketing meetings… The list goes on as you see.
Now this is fine for small communities, but it makes it non-trivial for newcomers to immediately figure out what’s going on. Depending on their entry point to the Safe Network, they may not even know where to look for information.
As the Safe Network runs more test nets, goes into Beta, and inevitably launches, there will be (and has been recently) a rise in forum participation I believe (or at least in community contributors). There’s an influx of people who are willing to help, but a non-trivial amount of effort to get up to speed because of how we store information in such a “tribal” way right now. Not to mention the amount of redundant threads/questions/etc. that’ll inevitably be created.
The MaidSafe team does what they can to document the technology and their work, but they don’t have the bandwidth, nor can they be expected to document everything revolving around the Safe Network. I think it’s up to the community to consolidate our knowledge and streamline the process of new users, potential contributors, dApp developers, etc. getting up to speed with the Safe Network.
What That Looks Like
If we decide that it’s worth it to do so, the question is now one of organization.
I think the natural fit is a wiki, but maybe somebody has another idea. There’s also enterprise “knowledge base” software out there, with other functionality (e.g. Guru, though these obviously aren’t cheap). Though I think something like Tiki or MediaWiki are good options as they’re free and open source, and do what we need.
What about user permissions? Who can contribute to this? My initial thought is to let pretty much anybody with an account contribute and we can always roll back articles to earlier versions if need be.
Then there’s the question of hosting. Eventually, moving migrating to safe seems like a good idea, but for now that’s not really stable enough. Commercial hosting services seems like a good idea for the interim, but then which one? BlueHost? Host Gator? AWS? I don’t have enough experience in this realm personally to make anything more than a semi-educated guess as to that…
Comment what your thoughts are. Good idea? Bad idea? Is the current system OK? Is there a better alternative I don’t know of? Why would you use or not use such a service? What kind of info would like to see housed that wasn’t mentioned?