There’s a great debate going on here on the forum about paying the producer, or the App-maker, or both. In this topic I would like to purpose an idea that does both and makes implementing way more easy for the Devs I think. I already asked @dirvine a lot of questions about Farming and he gave a lot of answers and used the word watermark in his reply in this topic.
But here we go:
An RFC is introduced to “watermark” public data. The data could be anything as long as it’s public. This means a picture, a video, HTML, JAVA-script you name it. Whenever the data is called out of the network a Farmer might farm some Safecoin. So when I share a nice picture of my cat, and it goes to a great number of other websites on SAFE, I’ll earn 10% of the Farmed coins whenever the picture is requested and not in cache somewhere. Same for video, same for audio etc.
And what about the App-maker?? Well, the App comes to you as Chunks out of the network. And when the App is public data the App-maker could just watermark his App to earn 10% as well. So when thousands of people use an App to look at video, caching will kick in but the requests for the Chunks will come from all address range out of the network. This means that the requests come from maybe 32 places as seen from the Vaults’ point of view (after the requests went from HOP to HOP). The App-maker could make some good money on it! He could even change a little logo-picture on a daily base or so.
And let’s assume we have a video-App. You load the App, the Chunks create a GET so someone could farm and the App-maker makes some money. Next you load a video on that App and the uploader of that video made a watermark as well. So now he get’s paid because the App was used to load his video.
- If you build a SAFE-website, and you use some nice pictures out of SAFE the creator of that picture get’s a little reward as someone is looking to the website you made.
- You get some reward as well, because the HTML/CSS/JAVA is yours and was loaded out of the network and watermarked to you.
- The network only allows people to watermark public data. So making thing public has an incentive for people to do.
- If you look at a video-App or video-website on SAFE, people are rewarded the moment their stuff get’s requested.
- Should be easyer to implement than all other systems with Apps that make their own money and prodecers have their own system etc.
- One might create a 10 hour public video and put his own videoplayer at loop in the hope caching won’t kick in and make money on their own content. Although just normale Farming might make him just more.
- Maybe there’s another way to trick this system, and we might never know when that’s done because we never know if people are requesting data just to make money on 10% of the farming.
But that’s it. Just make people able to watermark any data and we should be good. Both App-makers and content-makers
edit 1: Watermarking means > connecting a wallet-address to data. So people could even earn anonymous (think of a whistle blower who shows his company/government is corrupt etc.) One might be able to choose to attach a username or digital signature as well. But that should be optional, i.e. Satoshi Nakamoto could post 2 new whitepapers and sign them with his private key. At the same time he could attach a wallet-address.
edit 2: This is very close to the model that was purposed by David and others, but the difference here is that an App can’t make money by referencing/requesting other data. The way I get the old model is that an App could earn on “playing” a video that wasn’t owned by the App. So there was an incentive for the App to create a dataflow whatever it was. In this way the App could only make money on it’s own data when it’s loaded.