Most things become centralised for a few reasons. Like food farming because its easier to work and pay the farmer to produce the crops. Also people live in apartments cannot have home farms.
Also centralisations occur because the rich have the ability where the poorer do not. SAFE is being designed specifically so all the poorer (home guy) will be able to farm and get something for it. The papers state that the larger vaults will not earn as much as the average size vaults.
The network itself randomises the distribution though its algorithms and XOR space so the rich cannot corral the data to their vaults. They can only have more of them thus more data but same averages per vault-size. So yes they potentially can earn more than average joe, but like any business they will have very significant overheads to the home user. The 10000 vault owner may only earn as much as the 1000 joes because of their running costs.
Bitcoin centralised because of the need to process faster and faster and this took it away from average joe. SAFE is the opposite if anything in that processing is not so important and the average vault size requirement is what matters.
Remember the days when people had to go to a printing shop to photocopy (xerox) documents. or had to buy a book to read from the shop/printers. But now home guy just sends the document to his $40 printer or scans & prints those things he/she used to have to go to the local print shop? And he/she can read that book on their phone, tablet, kindle or PC No need of a centralised printing press to produce enough copies for everyone.
Or when everyone had to go to the movie theaters to see a movie, then average joe could watch movies/shows at home. And then could buy the DVD to watch at home and a lot even bittorrent movies and not pay. I can bet you a lot of the bit torrenters will be running vaults.
So no, history is not your friend in this case.
Even for home farming the micro-farming products are increasing the home guyās ability to grow expensive herbs at home rather than pay the billionaire supermarkets for them. And its seems that will be increasing too.
So not history does not support your view, but rather shows that as technology advances the average joe is capable of doing more things at home.
EDIT: There is a whole topic on this very subject. You might find some good reading in it and maybe even find pointers to improve your argument for centralised farming. So Iāll leave it to that topic. I have to get onto other things now.