You are talking of centralisation in terms that do not allow for anything but centralisation to exist. Your definition means that as soon as there is just one rule in the universe then at some point its all centralised.
You would define having one unit of exchange that everyone agrees on as being centralised even though everyone individually agreed to use as a unit of exchange. So the philosophers go around arguing 2 points of view
- that the unit of exchange is centralisation
- the fact everyone for whatever reason agreed to use that unit of exchange so its a decentralised decision.
And we can argue this till the sun darkens
But the fact is that the network for its purposes is a decentralised network.
The network is not making claims that it will become the only thing in the world to affect people, its not going to stop people using gold or silver or USD, its not going to stop people storing data on their own harddrives. Its not going to stop people send mail via the post office. Its not going to decide what you eat, when to sleep, when to have sex, when to spend time with your kids, when to go out to dinner or when to do a million other things that a centralised Power/Government/Whatever does try to do.
SAFE network is simply a SLAVE doing what it is programmed to do. And that is be a decentralised network serving humanity.
Any economics involved is simply a mathematical set of rules to do buying/selling resources. It is not setting global economics or monetary system. We humans would be doing that independently of the network. So no the network is not centralising the monetary system