Community Dev Alliance Roll Call

Yeah - wasn’t sure if I should comment because of this… it’s a bit like throwing in critical comments from the sideline…

Hmmm - to be fair it doesn’t fit with the new brand anyway and would need to be changed anyway I guess…

I’m late to comment here but I can set up a APP dev category with sub categories for each project in this forum. So then people don’t have yaftved (yet another forum to visit every day)


This is excellent input. What we don’t have but need is an important thing to know.

I do see it as an issue that we are not getting the support we want / need but I’m kind of hoping we can get organized enough and rally enough troops to potentially be funded by donations, from wherever, me, other long supporting non technical community members that want to test apps.

What concerns me is when something is more at a core level that would be out of most community devs skill set and then again getting hung up on dependence.


That would be awesome @neo thanks.

Community Dev Alliance assemble!


@cooperka @mav you guys still hanging around?

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It’s the point of a separate forum. And the need to sign up to post is a positive when trying to create a space for a developer community to come together.

We know this. It’s why MaidSafe set up a separate forum originally.

It’s why MaidSafe Devs have their own spaces.

Imagine if everyone signed up here would be able to jump in asking questions on the GitHub issues.

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Whatever everyone decides, if you eventually want a category here and restrict it by putting people into a group that has access to the category, then I am here to do it


Can we restrict access to users of Trust level2 and above?
And if (wannabe)devs are not yet at that level, a wee DM to yourself to be manually granted access? Im thinking this may be 5-10 folks max?

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So long as restricting access only means restricting ability to post.

There’s no point if it prevents web and forum search, and reading by anyone.

I assume that it’s only the former, but is it?


@neo knows more than me about how that actually works.
From my PoV, its a lot less work than setting up a Discourse server…

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Occasionally lurking but no time for active dev at the moment :slight_smile:


I can restrict according to a group. IE I make a group with say the name Autonomi-app-builders and then can make a category where only that group can post and depending on what is wanted anybody (incl search engines) can view. Maybe only level 2 (or 1) and above view. Its up to what the group wants in this case.

Even with the category, we can have sub categories so maybe the main category is heavily restricted but one (or more) subcategories can be viewed by everyone. If this was done then the developers get to work without being distracted and the public subcategory can be the presentation one where everyone can view and comment.

Whatever, the possibilities are many


seems like a clever solution, lets see if that works for the real devs :slight_smile:


Well I’ll leave it to some one to make a poll to gauge response if people want it. Maybe have multiple choice with

  • group only post, everyone read
  • group only post/read
  • one category only ie no subcategories
  • multiple subcategories under the one category
  • private subcategories with public subcategory(s)

add whatever you want to ask

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I’m nominating an actual dev, @happybeing for this.

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Yep still hanging around. Waiting for a time where it’s viable to work on a replacement for megasync. Would consider working on it once project decorum is underway (not as a dependency, just as an indicator of network readiness).


I’d be happy to do the poll but Mark really knows what is needed better than I… :grimacing:
Don’t like piling a responsibility on him, hope it’s coo.

@cooperka hope all is well and do join in when you can!

@mav great to hear and I’m hoping to see you at it sooner than later.

Speaking of which, @Seneca I don’t want to come off as a solicitor but do you ever think about accelerating things with that war chest? Crossing my fingers that isn’t too personal a question or touchy subject but this would be a great initiative.


WASM (or WASI) binding I think should be the aim.

We can compile directly from rust. And that can be imported into various languages easily as it’s standardised.

I feel your frustrations here (apis, forums). FWIW my view on a dev forum issue is less about the content generated, but more about it being another place. There’s limited bandwidth for folk and this forum is already hard to keep up with. The dev forum became another place I forgot to check and felt bad about and things languished.

So from my POV, something dev related on here would be awesome.


Plus folks, there is gonna be a huge push to update the docs and APIs for the data types (inc account packet as we need something to start any app).

It’s not unnoticed at all and the team is being built up a bit, plus with libp2p getting in shape so can we. There is some big things happening in the background to help with launch and exchanges and so on as well.

So expect incoming now and over the next few short weeks.


I understand that point of view but it isn’t that of an independent developer. That’s for the convenience of folks who want to see what is going on, but don’t value having their own space.

I won’t put up a poll. I think it is going to be skewed, like the last one, by people who are looking from other points of view. Some may be developers, but even those who will have roles are not the same as the people looking for information, finding either a dedicated space with lots of resources, or somehow ending up at a subcategory of a forum that is swamped by both non-developers and discussions that cover literally anything.

We can’t hold a poll of people who aren’t here yet.

There’s no comparison, and it’s clear the old dev forum is not being shut down for the benefit of the people we need to be catering for as we go into launch. It’s being shut down for the convenience of others.