CLI: Node naming convention


How can I name nodes like this:

sn_0000 etc


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In the process table you mean ?

No - as the dir name where data is stored . .

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This has been requested by several people going back many months but hasn’t been implemented.

So you can’t do it with safenode-manager.

If you start each node directly I think you can specify the directory on the command line but I couldn’t get my nodes working without using safenode-manager.


Yeah, this has been requested several times. However, the problem was, changing the convention would have broken our monitoring solution, and it just wasn’t worth doing that at the time.

We may revisit this again. Thing is though, everyone would have a different idea of how they would want things to be named, padded, whatever. So it would probably need to be user-configurable.


Look at NTracking/anm at main · safenetforum-community/NTracking · GitHub for hints.

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Oh actually I think zero padded should be okay with everyone - why would one have strong feeling against it…?

But then again I think there might be more pressing issues


Well, the original poster here has asked for padding with four zeros. Other people have given me different requests…


Four zeros is quite something xD but why not - I’d be with him if this would be picked up as a task

(but as mentioned I think there might be more pressing issues =D I personally don’t care as long as everything starts with the same prefix)


Three zeroes should be enough for anyone (just like 640k)
But seriously, if you are intending to run >1000 nodes then it is reasonable to assume you can afford the scripting skills required for managing them yourself. Hopefully large server farms running several hundred or more nodes are now a thing of the past anyway. They had their fleeting moment when we had the utterly essential but market-distorting Beta Rewards.
The next few days will tell us if a larger no of folks running smaller numbers of nodes works well enough.


With higher percentage of home nodes instead of data center nodes with perfect connection

One could already get the impression the network is significantly slower (don’t know if you tried to download some files)


I would be happy with that of course but I guess that could allow another point where things could go wrong . .

You could make a script that creates a dir full of symbolic links as a temp workaround

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Yes I noticed that grabbing BegBlag…
I am still not earning any nanos despite everything apparently looking OK with custom ports that have been proven to work before.
Except for this

willie@gagarin:~/.local/share/safe/node$ grep -rn "ERROR" safenode*/logs/ |wc -l

Nearly 3m ERRORs over 14 nodes running for ~6hrs sems excessive to me.
What do you lot think?


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