Changed forum logo

I changed the logo and the name of the forum with the new one, please let me know if you notice something wrong somewhere.

Privacy. Security. Freedom


The icon works on its own but when the name is displayed too, it doesn’t. The font size is tiny next to the word “About” - on mobile anyway.

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Hmm, I think I should change it to no text. Thank you!

Privacy. Security. Freedom


It shows the logo only at certain times in navy and in white with the name at other times.

In threads logo, home page with text.

My 2 cents, it should be in white.

Edit: hey @Dimitar looks way better, you have been given the run around with all of this, thank you.

But… white was my suggestion so perhaps others can comment before you do anything else. The bright white is, very bright :sun_with_face:.
I just don’t want to be blamed for folk squinting :wink:.

Let others chime in first though.


Hey @Dimitar updated the shorcut on my phone today and the icon/logo doesn’t fit.
I don’t think it looks terrible but, letting you know in case it matters.

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Slightly off-topic, but perhaps forum name could be shorter? Together with category it’s starting to take entire title line in my email app:


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I also think the word Network should be removed. This is the Autonomi Community Forum, and ‘network’ is not part of the brand, but gets in the way when shortened as it is on my phone.

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Did you look before commenting :rofl:

Done some 8 hours ago

It was still showing on my tab :man_facepalming: so yes, i looked but didn’t refresh :smile:

I reiterate that this is the Autonomi Community Forum, but can live with the misdescription :stuck_out_tongue:

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The network text was done on the day of rebranding and the rebrand had not fully sunk in obviously when I did it

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I forgive you and thank you for your service. :wink: