After importing my Maid’s into omniwallet ready to be burnt I discovered I also had some bitcoin in there that had increased in value a fair bit over the years. I am wanting to send it to Bitmart to buy some ANTS but I get this message when entering the BTC receive address provided by Bitmart: “Please enter a valid Bitcoin address that supports the Omni Protocol token you are sending”. I’m confused as I’m trying to send BTC not an omni token. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Are you selecting BTC as the asset to send? That is the only suggestion I can offer.
The other thing is to import the private key into another wallet so you can send it.
It’s likely because Omni uses old Bitcoin standards for sending, and hasn’t been updated to recognise more recent Bitcoin address formats.
I had a similar problem with Omniwallet recently. I solved it by opening the private key for that address in Electrum wallet, which I downloaded, and sent the BTC from there to the new format BTC address.
I managed to send btc from omniwallet to Coinbase a few weeks ago without any hassle
You have 2 options. First is the one neo suggested. The second one is to send the bitcoin out to a wallet that can accept and send both old and new addresses. Example: bitcoin core, or send to an exchange that can accept old addresses like kraken. And then from there send again to bitmart.
Thanks everyone for your help! @Matt I was able to send the BTC to coinbase. Legends
The other suggestion would’ve been to import private key into a wallet that supports older and new standards, such as Blue Wallet (highly recommend).
Same exact thing just happened to me over the weekend and Coinbase was my out too.
I had several low balance addresses on Omni and did this to conolidate them to a hardware wallet in one go.