Can you help recover MAID from openledger wallets

I know nothing about using openledger.
Unfortunately, if they are refusing to help, i doubt much can be done.

they offered MAID trading - no notification of closing
the MAID are not gone - so they refuse to send remaining balances is theft ?

any lawyer in here ?

Openledger Dex… if that’s BitShares related, then I wouldn’t be surprised they act like cowboys :no_mouth:
I steer clear then of EOS Steem etc, for having been burned in the past. Good luck.

thanks for reply so i thought dex would be more reliable than a centralized exchange
now i get this experiance what a mess

another thing happened right after

i send new btc to my bittrex MAID address :rage::rage::rage::rage:
i wanted send btc to bittrex btc to buy new maid

now bittrex say their crosschain policy is 1000$ fee lol i send 0.007 btc

i lost so much now i can sell my pants to buy MAID

or can i get them out somehow

If you don’t hold the private key, then you are trusting those who do. Exchanges that are not decentralised, are like traditional banks… a pool … a slush of alsorts and you can only ask nicely for them to do what you want.

in this context DEX … doesnt make sense right ?!
i hold the private key of MAID (bitshares)?

I dont believe you hold the private key to your maid.
I believe you sent them to an address ( to which someone else holds the private key) , along with your name, so they knew it was your deposit.

Your mistake with bittrex was unfortunate, but a fairly common experience.
Double and triple check addresses, i feel sure you will be more carefull next time.

Sorry for your loss.

OpenLedger popped a notice that MAID would be disabled due to no volume about 6 months ago and gave a 2 month warning. Crappy… looks like about 450k MAID frozen (‘owned’ now by openledger).

Bittrex, ouch. They should be able to fix it though, it is a BTC address, holding BTC. But, not holding out a ton of hope for you. Sorry :frowning:


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i signed up with their decentralized exchange Openleger few years ago-
now i cant access my MAID

so actually they are not (((gone))) visible but not availible

Hey friend,

leave these scammers. Send me your MAID address in PM and I’ll send you 450 MAID. :dragon:

If you don’t know how to make a wallet you can see here:


Thanks Dimitar and greeting to Bulgaria :slightly_smiling_face:
I remember i have same problems with coinomi-wallet and also lost some MAID there i guess

i´m now at OMNIWALLET and created 18jXFqpikMCg1hR4obKx3vEBrvEq5QG3sG

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: hope this helps


Great and thank you for the greetings! I wish you much health, I’ll send you MAID tonight! :dragon: