There was a plan to pay community developers for programming tasks. Did anything come of this?
We have paid out a bit so far for a few folks. Not a huge amount but understandable as we have not had visibility of tasks in recent times. Things moving very fast but we always pay when a btc address is given. We hope to make that maid payments soon.
Github history shows payments in some libraries.
Thank you!
I read the blog post at MaidSafe Code Bounty Program | by MaidSafe | safenetwork | Medium and followed the link over to Jira/Atlassian but the most recent open software issues there are from January. Are there more recent ones, or has that site been abandoned?
At the risk of sounding stupid, can I ask where the most up-to-date information on the plan is? is it in one place? MaidSafe · GitHub is a big site.
EDIT: I look through the “issues” tab for safe_vault and a couple of other crates at Github every day or two, but it is not clear if any of the issues are related to the bounty program. I don’t doubt that payments have been made, and it is all done properly for those already onboard. But newcomers (at least this newcomer) might not know where to start, with apparently scattered and outdated information about the plan.
If you see issues you can solve and the code is accepted in a PR and you include a BTC address then it’s that simple. The speed of change right now is very ferocious really so I see how that is difficult. I am sure it will calm soon though. We are looking at a few solutions to automatic payouts (like open whisper etc.) but we need to get a couple of things in order first.
I don’t care much about payouts, at least in the short term. But my concern is that if I and any other community dev investigate an issue it may well be (probably will) be duplication of what core devs are already doing.
So It would have to be the hard issues that no-one is likely making progress on. But in that case a newcomer is unlikely to make much progress either.
Basically, the learning curve is missing for the plan to be efficient.
EDIT: I’m not complaining, just pointing out innefficiencies, and I’m going to contribute in due course despite the difficulties.
To draw an analogy: I’m “cutting my teeth” in Rust development, and a bit of customer support, in the PistonDevelopers game-engine ecosystem. It is great because almost any issue that one finds, or dreams up (i.e., how to add the audio functions to the example games), is probably ripe for attention, with no-one else in sight already looking at it.
That is a motivation for my interest in community networks, as a playpen for hacking and learning this stuff.
EDIT: Please disregard this whole thread; I shouldn’t have started it, since the way forward is obvious after my ramblings about Piston and test nets.
People open issues all the time, on Maidsafe too. So hacking and crashing the software (my characteristic learning style) will cause me to discover issues that I can then open; basically, make issues and then “assign” oneself to them.